written by NMM |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||||
E0050 | "Action by the Highland Panel" (article) | ||||
19 Oct 1955 | pp 7 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E0065 | "Adam and Eve were Driven from
Their Paradise But Not by Their Fellow Men" (article) -- Fourth in a series of 5 pieces (articles E0770 - E3530 - E3020 - E0065 - E3440) |
1 Apr 1978 | pp 22-23 of "The Herald (Australia)" illustration: by Clifton Pugh |
E0080 | "Africa and Us: A Letter from Botswana" (article) | ||||
Oct 1980 | pp 10-13 of "Overland" (#81) - illustrated with a photograph of NMM | ||||
E0095 | "Africa Going Through a Renaissance Phase" (article) | ||||
11 Apr 1966 | pp 5 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E0110 | "An African Bus" (article) | ||||
2 Apr 1974 | pp 2 of "The Campbeltown Courier" | ||||
E0125 | "An African Doctor" (article) | ||||
Apr 1974 | pp 312-317 of "Blackwood's Magazine" (v315.#1902) | ||||
E0140 | "African Farm Outing" (article) | ||||
Aut 1965 | pp 19-25 of "The Countryman" (v65.#1) - illustrated with photographs | ||||
E0155 | "An African Farmer at the Royal Highland Show" (article) | ||||
24 Jun 1967 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E0163 | "An African Historical Novel ?" (article) | ||||
Jun 1963 | pp 30-31 of "Transition" (#9) | ||||
E0170 | "African Journey"
(article) -- Article consists of 2 sections - 1) A Look at Ethiopia 2) Zambian Humanism |
Feb 1973 | pp 401-402 of "New Humanist" (v88.#10) - illustrated by photograph | ||||
E0185 | "African Queen Jives at her Wedding Reception" (article) | ||||
11 Jun 1966 | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E0193 | "After the Troops Passed On . . ." (article) | ||||
9 Dec 1968 | pp 13 of "The Guardian" - under the overall title of "Africa Report: Naomi Mitchison on Angola" | ||||
E0200 | "Against the Cold"
(article) -- An extract from Small Talk (A0880) |
1985 | pp 1-4 of A Scottish Childhood
(eds. Antony Lamm & Anne Lean) - pub. ENGLAND, London: Collins - pb
Published in association with "Save the Children Fund" charity. |
1996 | pp 1-4 of A Scottish Childhood: 70 Famous
Scots Remember (eds. Antony Lamm & Anne Lean) - pub.
SCOTLAND, Glasgow: HarperCollins - pb Published in association with "Save the Children Fund" charity. |
E0215 | "Ageing from Inside" (article) | ||||
Mar 1961 | pp 259-260 of "Medical World" (v94) | ||||
E0220 | "Aid from India" (article) | ||||
Feb 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#2) | ||||
E0230 | "Air Nurse: Nursing with a Difference" (article) | ||||
?? | pp 165-168 of The Seventh Girl Annual
(ed. Marcus Morris) - ENGLAND, London: Hulton Press - HB Illustrated with 4 b/w drawin gs by John Chamberlain |
E0245 | "Aldous Huxley on War and Intellectual Survival" (article) | ||||
?1959 | pp 635 of "The Times Literary Supplement" (#4131) | ||||
E0260 | "All Set for the Holidays" (article) | ||||
27 Mar 1937 | pp 26-27 of "Passing Show" (v6.#262) - illustrated with photographs | ||||
E0268 | "All-Talking - 8 Oct 1932" (quotation) | ||||
8 Oct 1932 | pp 1 of "The Essex Newsman" in the
All-Talking column - a series of quotations by notable people. NMM's quote, with no source given, is "Intelligent grown-up people are very apt to know a lot about one kind of thing, but very little about all the other things." |
E0275 | "Allanbank" (article) | ||||
Spr 1983 | pp 29-30 & 35 of "New Edinburgh Review" (#61) | ||||
E0290 | "Among You Taking Notes" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
May 2004 | pp ?? of Modernism and Nationalism: Literature and Society in Scotland 1918-1939 (ed. Margery Palmer McCulloch) pub. SCOTLAND, Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies - HB & pb - 416pp | ||||
E0305 | "Anger Against Books" (essay) | ||||
1933 | pp 77-93 of Contemporary Essays, 1933
(ed. Sylva Norman) pub. ENGLAND, London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd
- HB - 203pp Note: This book was reprinted in 1968 by - USA, Freeport (NY): Books for Libraries Press - and as a print-on demand edition in 2012 by Hesperides Press - pb - 224pp |
E0320 | "Ankle Bells for Clare" (article) | ||||
23 Jul 1956 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E0335 | "Another Day - 10 Jun 1940" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
10 Jun 1991 | pp 28 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0340 | "Another Day - 5 Sep 1940" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
5 Sep 1995 | pp ?? of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0345 | "Another Day - 27 Jan 1941" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
27 Jan 1996 | pp 28 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0350 | "Another Day - 1 Feb 1941" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
1 Feb 1990 | pp 39 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" (prints extract for 2 Feb 1941) | ||||
E0365 | "Another Day - 7 Feb 1941" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
7 Feb 1990 | pp ?? of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0380 | "Another Day - 21 Jan 1942" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
21 Jan 1991 | pp 39 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0395 | "Another Day - 29 May 1942" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
29 May 1990 | pp ?? of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0410 | "Another Day - 25-28 Jul 1942" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
26 Jul 1991 | pp 33 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0425 | "Another Day - 9 Nov 1942" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
9 Nov 1990 | pp ?? of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0440 | "Another Day - 24 Nov 1942" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
24 Nov 1992 | pp A19 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0455 | "Another Day - 15 Jan 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
15 Jan 1990 | pp 39 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0470 | "Another Day - 28 Jan 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
28 Jan 1992 | pp 33 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0485 | "Another Day - 18 Feb 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
18 Feb 1991 | pp 35 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0500 | "Another Day - 19 May 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
19 May 1992 | pp 37 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0515 | "Another Day - 9 Jul 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
9 Jul 1993?? | pp ?? of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0520 | "Another Day - 7 Oct 1943" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
7 Oct 1995 | pp 32 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" | ||||
E0530 | "Another Day - 21 Apr 1944" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
21 Apr 2007 | pp 32 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" - extract from diary on "Princess Elizabeth's 18th birthday" | ||||
E0545 | "Another Day - 8 May 1945" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
8 May 1992 | pp 35 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" - extract from diary on VE Day | ||||
E0550 | "Another Day - 25-28 Jun 1945" - from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
26 Jul 1991 | pp 33 of "The Guardian (Diary Section)" - extract from diary on the day the General Election results were announced | ||||
E0560 | "Another Uncertified Teacher: Cattle and Dresses" (article) | ||||
28 Aug 1964 | pp 270 of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E0575 | "Anti-ghosts" (article) | ||||
25 May 1962 | pp 756 of "New Statesman" (v63.#1628) | ||||
E0590 | "Archæology and the Intellectual Worker" (essay) | ||||
1933 | pp 251-264 of Twelve Studies In Soviet
Russia -(ed. Margaret I Cole) pub. ENGLAND, London: Victor
Gollancz for The Fabian Research Bureau - HB Note: Other essayists in the book include G R Mitchison and T G N Haldane. |
E0605 | "Are Russians Really Like This ?" (article) | ||||
3 Aug 1952 | pp 9 of "The Sunday Pictorial" | ||||
E0610 | "Are Tractors the Answer ?" (article) | ||||
Sep 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#9) | ||||
E0620 | "Argyllshire" (article) | ||||
Aug 1955 | pp i-viii / 69-76 of "Country Fair (County
Supplement #50)" illustration: Decorations by Luther Roberts |
E0635 | "Arkansas Through British Eyes" (article) | ||||
May 1935 | pp 278-280 of "Living Age" (#348) | ||||
E0643 | "The Assassin's Cloak"
(extracts) -- A series of extracts from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
2000 | In The Assassin's Cloak: An Anthology of the World's Greatest Diarists (ed. Irene & Alan Taylor) pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Canongate - HB - 684pp | ||||
The book is organised by day of the year, with
several entries by a variety of diarists for different years under each
day heading. NMM contributed towards the following dates - -- 17 Mar 1944; 23 Apr 1945; 2 May 1945; 13 May 1941; 11 Jun 1940 -- 10 Aug 1945; 12 Aug 1940; 3 Sep 1939; 12 Sep 1940 |
E0650 | "At Long Last the Waters Recede in Botswana" (article) | ||||
10 May 1967 | pp 7 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E0665 | "At Mochudi" (article) | ||||
14 Jun 1963 | pp 894 of "New Statesman" (v65.#1683) | ||||
E0680 | "At Molepolole" (article) | ||||
21 Apr 1965 | pp 6 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E0695 | "At the Count" (article - as by "A Labour Candidate's Wife") | ||||
7 Nov 1931 | pp 573-574 of "New Statesman" (v2.#37) | ||||
E0710 | "The Author as a Colleague" (article) | ||||
27 May 1967 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E0725 | "Authors Take Sides on the Falklands" (article) | ||||
1982 | pp ?? of Authors take sides on the Falklands: Two Questions on the Falklands Conflict answered by more than a Hundred mainly British Authors (ed. Cecil Woolf & Jean Moorcroft Wilson) pub. ENGLAND, London: Cecil Woolf - HB & pb - 144pp | ||||
E0740 | "An Autumn Galloway Cattle Sale" (article) | ||||
?? | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" - undated clipping only seen | ||||
E0755 | "Autumn Round Athens"
(article) -- Article signed and dated 1927 - continued as "In Greece" (article E4115) in Aug 1931 issue |
Jan 1931 | pp 7404-7406 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E0770 | "Awed by So Big a Country"
(article) -- First in a series of 5 pieces (articles E0770 - E3530 - E3020 - E0065 - E3440) |
28 Mar 1978 | pp 7 of "The Herald (Australia)" illustration: by Clifton Pugh |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E0785 | "Back from Achaea" (article) | ||||
4 Jan 1929 | pp 7-8 of "Time and Tide" (v??.#??) | ||||
Aug 1930 | pp 7307-7308 of "The Draconian" Note: Includes a 12 line untitled poem starting "To these slim princes..." |
E0800 | "Back of the North Wind" (article) | ||||
21 May 1951 | pp 3-4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E0807 | "Bad News from France"
(article) -- A lengthy extract from All Change Here (A0050) |
1990 | pp 233-247 of In Flanders Field: Scottish Poetry and Prose of the First World War (ed. Trevor Royle) - pub. ENGLAND, Cambridge: Mainstream Publishing - HB - 272pp | ||||
Aug 2014 | pp ??-?? of 'Isn't All This Bloody?': Scottish Writing from the First World War (ed. Trevor Royle) - pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Birlinn - HB - 320pp | ||||
E0815 | "Bakgatla in Transition: Letter from Bechuanaland" (article) | ||||
18 Jun 1964 | pp 24 of "New Society" (v3.#90) | ||||
E0830 | "The Bakgatla of South-east
Botswana as seen through their proverbs" (article co-authored
with Amos Kgamnyane Pilane) -- This article may have been reworked as "Proverbial Wisdom" - article E6358 |
Win 1967 | pp 241-268 of "Folklore" (v78.#4) | ||||
E0845 | "Bannockburn" (article) | ||||
8 Jul 1944 | pp 4 of "July Notes on Convention" - published by Scottish Convention - pb - 4pp - 2d | ||||
E0860 | "Barbed Wire for Prizes on Farmer's Day" (article) | ||||
4 Jul 1970 | pp 10 of "Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E0875 | "Barons of Nova Scotia" (article) | ||||
Aut 1983 | pp 33-34 of "New Edinburgh Review" (#63) illustration: by an uncredited artist |
E0882 | "The Basque Children in Britain" (article) | ||||
6 Jul 1937 | pp ?? of "New Masses" (v24.#2) - this
magazine is published by Weekly Masses Co., Inc. of New York |
E0890 | "Beating the Rain" (article) | ||||
26 Aug 1957 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 248-250 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E0905 | "A Beauty Contest Now in Botswana" (article) | ||||
15 May 1967 | pp 8 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E0920 | "Beginning of a New Order" (article) | ||||
1 Nov 1939 | pp 7-8 of "Kingdom Come: The Magazine of Wartime Oxford" (v1.#1) | ||||
E0935 | "Beginnings" (article) | ||||
1968 | pp 299-305 of Haldane And Modern Biology (ed. K R Dronamraju) pub. USA, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press - HB - $10.95 | ||||
E0950 | "Behind the Iron Curtain" (article) | ||||
31 Jul 1952 | pp ??-?? of "The Cambeltown Courier: Mrs
Naomi Mitchison's Impressions" - Illustration: photograph The piece is a mixture of news item, interview and article. |
E0965 | "Between Two Continents: The
Long Way to Pakistan - I " (article) -- First in a series of 4 pieces (others are E1910 - E5315 - E1715) plus one related piece (article E2135) |
10 Feb 1951 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E0980 | "Beware These Words! - A Special Essay for the Hustings" (article) | ||||
20 Oct 1951 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E0995 | "Big Brother - Botswana Letter" (article) | ||||
13 Apr 1974 | pp 444 of "The Spectator" (#7607) | ||||
E1010 | "The Big Mill" (article) | ||||
26 Nov 1955 | pp 700 of "The New Statesman and Nation" (v50.#1290) | ||||
2009 | pp 223-225 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1025 | "A Binder of One's Own" (article) | ||||
10 Sep 1951 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 178-180 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1040 | "A Bird-House of Poets" (article) | ||||
3 May 1958 | pp 562-564 of "New Statesman" (v55.#1416) | ||||
E1048 | "A Blue Book for Us" (article) | ||||
Oct 1965 | pp 10-11 of "Kutlwano" (v4.#10) | ||||
E1055 | "Body-based Togetherness is Important - Not Compulsory" (article) | ||||
1 Oct 1984 | pp 14 of "The Glasgow Herald" illustration: 2 photographs of NMM, aged 32 & 86 |
E1070 | "Bonfires Again for Summer
Solstice: A Scot in Denmark - III " (article) -- Last in a series of 3 pieces (others are E7130 - E5225) |
25 Jul 1953 | pp 7 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1085 | "The Boring Business of Doing Good" (article) | ||||
12 Jan 1991 | pp 2 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" Note: Article is under the series title "What I Hate about ...." illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E1100 | "Born to be Chief" (article) | ||||
8 Aug 1963 | pp 201 & 218 of "The Listener" (v70.#1793) - Given as a radio essay on BBC Radio 4 - see (T4250) | ||||
E1110 | "Botswana Contradictions" (article) | ||||
Apr 1978 | pp 230-235 of "African Affairs" (v77.#307) - Magazine is the quarterly journal of the Royal African Society | ||||
E1120 | "Botswana in March" (article) | ||||
1985 | pp 5-6 of "U.K. Botswana Society Newsletter" (#18) | ||||
E1130 | "Breaking Up The Home" (essay) | ||||
17 Jul 1932 | pp 1-3 of "Twentieth Century" (v21.#121) | ||||
E1140 | "Brigades at Mochudi" (article) | ||||
May 1974 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v13.#5) | ||||
E1145 | "Bringing Home the New Boat"
(article) -- This article was later broadcast on radio, under the title "Bringing Home the Boat" - see T3630 |
Nov 1949 | pp 27-32 of "Scotland" (#33) | ||||
2009 | pp 313-320 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1160 | "Bringing Home the Peats" (article) | ||||
May 1961 | pp 11 of "Scotland's Magazine" - illustrated by a colour photograph of a peat stack | ||||
E1175 | "Bringing Trains Back to the Highlands" (article) | ||||
24 Dec 1970 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" illustration: Photograph of the Kyle of Lochalsh ferries |
E1190 | "A British Socialist on Soviet Writers and Writing" (article) | ||||
Mar 1953 | pp 426-432 of "Monthly Review: an Independent Socialist Magazine" (v4.#11) | ||||
E1205 | "British View of America" (article) | ||||
24 Feb 1947 | pp 116 of "New Republic" (v46.#??) | ||||
E1220 | "The Buck Rake" (article) | ||||
22 Sep 1956 | pp 340 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v52.#1332) | ||||
2009 | pp 235-237 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1235 | "Building a Haystack" (article) | ||||
16 Aug 1958 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 257-259 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1250 | "Bulb Viewing in Spring" (article) | ||||
Spr 1961 | pp 115-116 of "The Countryman" (v58.#1) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E1265 | "The Calves" (article) | ||||
25 Oct 1958 | pp 554 & 556 of "New Statesman" (v56.#1441) | ||||
2009 | pp 263-266 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1280 | "Calypsos and Contempts" (article) | ||||
18 Sep 1957 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1295 | "Can Indira drag India into the seventies ?" (article) | ||||
25 Apr 1972 | pp 14 of "The Guardian Extra" | ||||
E1310 | "Can the Labour Party Govern ?" (article) | ||||
30 Jul 1949 | pp 3 of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E1315 | "Can We Help Our Children to Stay at School ?" (article) | ||||
Jan 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#1) | ||||
E1325 | "Caravans to Carradale" (article) | ||||
Sum 1979 | pp 170-175 of "The Countryman" (v84.#2) - illustrated by Sandy Calder | ||||
2009 | pp 114-117 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1340 | "Carradale Catch" (article) | ||||
Spr 1987 | pp 93-98 of "The Countryman" (#92) | ||||
2009 | pp 118-119 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1355 | "Carradale Harbour Opened: Climax of Years of Work" (article) | ||||
18 Sep 1959 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" illustration: A photograph of the ceremony |
2009 | pp 339-340 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1370 | "Catching up with the Tribal News . . ." (article) | ||||
12 Feb 1964 | pp 6 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Two photographs |
E1385 | "The Cattle Sale" (article) | ||||
15 Nov 1951 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
29 Nov 1951 | pp ? of "Manchester Guardian Weekly" | ||||
E1400 | "Cattle Sales at Oban" (article) | ||||
11 Nov 1957 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 254-256 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1415 | "Cautionary Story" (article) | ||||
10 Sep 1955 | pp 294-295 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v50.#1279) | ||||
2009 | pp 216-219 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1430 | "Celebrating the Solstice" (article) | ||||
24 Dec 1955 | pp 853 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v50.#1294) | ||||
E1445 | "The Celtic West" (article) | ||||
Feb 1952 | pp 39-42 of "Scotland's Magazine" (v??.#??) - Illustrated by 6 landscape photographs | ||||
E1460 | "Centenary in the Family" (article) | ||||
30 Apr 1960 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" Introduction by the Editor of The Glasgow Herald: "Next week there falls the centenary of John Scott Haldane . . . his daughter Naomi Mitchison remembers the man . . . " |
E1475 | "Checking Highland 'Brain Drain' Education Geared to Social Need" (article) | ||||
9 Dec 1964 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1490 | "Childhood in the Other Place" (article) | ||||
Nov 1953 | pp 368-374 of "Twentieth Century" (v154.#921) | ||||
E1505 | "Child-Rearing Services Some Day" (article) | ||||
19 Jul 1930 | pp 993 of "Time and Tide" (v??.#??) | ||||
E1520 | "Children and Books" (article) | ||||
.. ... 1956 | pp ??-?? of "Books" (#304) | ||||
E1535 | "Children in Limbo" (article) | ||||
10 Oct 1975 | pp 36 of "The Times Educational Supplement" Note: Article is about the Botswana schools system illustration: Photographs |
E1550 | "Choir Practice in Amman" (article) | ||||
17 Mar 1956 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1565 | "Christmas at the Big House" (article) | ||||
31 Dec 1951 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 53-56 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1580 | "Christmas Days in Edinburgh" (article) | ||||
3 Dec 1958 | pp xiii of "The Glasgow Herald" (Christmas Shopping Supplement) | ||||
E1595 | "Chinese Cinderella" (article) | ||||
1 Oct 1954 | pp 2 of "Tribune" (#??) A letter, under the same title, from Rita Barisse refuting some comments in NMM's article appeared in the 15 Oct 1954 issue |
E1610 | "Coconuts in the Celebes" (article) | ||||
Apr 1980 | pp 127-129 of "Principes" (v24.#3) - Magazine (now renamed Palms) is the The Quarterly Publication of the International Palm Society. | ||||
E1625 | "Cockburn's Journeys in Argyll" (article) | ||||
Nov ??1955 | pp ?? of "Scotland's Magazine" - date uncertain, but in 1950's | ||||
E1632 | "Coffee in a Factory Garden: Copenhagen Looks After Its Workers" (article) | ||||
2 Jan 1957 | pp 7 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E1640 | "Cold War - Then & Now" (article) | ||||
Nov 1980 | pp 25-27 of "New Edinburgh Review" (#52) illustration: Photograph |
E1655 | "Coming Home! Final Stage of
an Unconventional Holiday" (article) -- Last of 4 articles about a trip on a Norwegian cargo boat from London to the Canaries (articles - E7685 - E7865 - E7880 - E1655) |
31 Mar 1933 | pp ?? of "The Town Crier (Birmingham's Labour Weekly)" | ||||
E1670 | "Comment on the Basis of the Sexology Group" (article) | ||||
21 Nov 1932 | pp 19-20 of "Twentieth Century" (v21.#125) | ||||
E1676 | An extract from Comments on Birth Control - see book A0260 | ||||
1998 | pp 152-154 of Sexology Uncensored: The Documents of Sexual Science - (ed. Lucy Bland and Laura Doan) - USA: Chicago: University of Chicago Press - HB - 278pp | ||||
E1677 | extracts from Comments on Birth Control - see book A0260 | ||||
Aug 2005 | pp 169, 170, 190, 206, 225-6 of Outspoken Women: An Anthology of Women's Writing on Sex, 1870-1969 - (ed. Lesley A Hall) - ENGLAND: London: Routledge - HB - 352pp | ||||
E1685 | "Commonsense about Communism" (article) | ||||
4 Sep 1948 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E1700 | "Conservation. A Question of Control" (article) | ||||
Dec 1973 | pp 14-15 of "North 7" (#17) illustration: Photographs |
E1707 | "Coronation Hangover" (article) | ||||
13 Jun 1953 | pp 1 of "Forward" newspaper (#47) | ||||
E1715 | "Costume Jewelry of Muscat:
The Long Way to Pakistan - IV" (article) -- Last in a series of 4 pieces (others are E0965E1910 - E5315) plus one related piece (article E2135) |
3 Mar 1951 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1730 | "The Council of Europe Lacks
Faith" (article) The second of a pair of articles on the same general subject - see E7175 |
2 Sep 1950 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E1745 | "The Cow and the Calf" (article) | ||||
9 Jun 1956 | pp 648 & 650 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v51.#1317) | ||||
2009 | pp 229-231 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1760 | "The Crafty Darlings" (article) | ||||
12 Sep 1956 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 333-335 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E1775 | "A Critic of New Order in Bechuanaland" (article) | ||||
25 Jun 1966 | pp 8 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E1790 | "Crossing a Frontier" (article) | ||||
Jan 1925 | pp 6053-6056 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E1805 | "The Crumbling of the Borders" (article) | ||||
Dec 1977 | pp N267-N269 of "Trends In Biochemical Sciences" (v2.#12) | ||||
E1820 | "The Culinary Art in India" (article) | ||||
12 May 1958 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1835 | "Culture . . . for Export:
Home Thoughts from Italy - II " (article) -- Last in a series of 2 pieces (articles E6170 and E1835 ) |
18 Oct 1958 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E1850 | "Daily Life - 4 Jul 1940" - extract from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
4 Jul 2003 | pp 36 of "The Times" | ||||
E1865 | "Daily Life - 21 Jan 1942" - extract from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
21 Jan 2004 | pp 29 of "The Times" | ||||
E1880 | "Daily Life - 19 Apr 1944" - extract from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
19 Apr 2002 | pp 39 of "The Times" | ||||
E1895 | "Daily Life - 28 Jul 1945" - extract from Among You Taking Notes (A0060) | ||||
28 Jul 2004 | pp 31 of "The Times" | ||||
E1910 | "Damascus of the Contrasts:
The Long Way to Pakistan - II " (article) -- Second in a series of 4 pieces (others are E0965 - E5315 - E1715) plus one related piece (article E2135) |
17 Feb 1951 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1925 | "Dancing and the People" (article) | ||||
21 Aug 1952 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" This article was responded to by an article titled "Take Your Partners" by George Schwartz on pp 2 of the "Sunday Times" on 7 Sep 1952 |
E1930 | "Danger in the Nursery of Democracy" (article) | ||||
Apr 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#4) | ||||
E1940 | "The Danish Farm" (article) | ||||
13 Jun 1959 | pp 820 & 822 of "New Statesman" (v57.#1474) | ||||
E1955 | "Danish Midsummer Eve" (article) | ||||
29 Jun 1955 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E1970 | "A Day Down on the Farm at Bodumgwane" (article) | ||||
5 Nov 1966 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E1985 | "The Day I Took a Fellow Tribesman to Tarbert Fair" (article) | ||||
20 Aug 1966 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" - illustrated with one photograph of NMM and one of Tarbert town and harbour. | ||||
2009 | pp 297-300 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2000 | "The Day My House Went on Fire" (article) | ||||
6 Sep 1969 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2015 | "Days of Pinafores and
Sunbonnets" (article) -- Second in a series of 3 reflective pieces (articles E3305 - E2015 - E8360) |
13 Nov 1965 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2030 | "Deadly Bracken" (article) | ||||
27 Aug 1965 | pp 282 of "New Statesman" (v70.#1798) | ||||
2009 | pp 293-296 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2045 | "Death is the Same to Black or
White" (article) |
12 Mar 1979 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" Note: Article is about, and written in, Zambia) illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E2060 | "Declaration on Scottish
Affairs" (pamphlet) |
?May 1944 | An 8 pp pamphlet, edited by William Leonard, M.P>, of ideas and methods for Scottish Devolution - NMM was one of many signatories. It is possible that NMM had a hand in drafting the Declaration. | ||||
9 May 1944 | pp 2 of "The Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury" printed an article under the title "Scots Wha Hae" summarising the main points in the Declaration and noting NMM as one of the signatories. | ||||
E2075 | "Decline and Fall of the Dinner Party" (article) | ||||
31 Dec 1955 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2090 | "Delta Farm" (article) | ||||
Nov 1956 | pp 325-326 & 335-336 of "The Geographical Magazine" (v??.#??) - Illustration: photograph of a Nile Delta village | ||||
E2105 | "Democracy - and the Green Grass of Nata" (article) | ||||
12 May 1966 | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" - may only appear in the first edition. | ||||
E2120 | "Democracy in Education" (article) | ||||
May 1944 | pp 129-131 of "The Scots Magazine" | ||||
E2135 | "The Deserts from the Air: The
Short Way Back from Pakistan (article) -- Article is related to the 4-part series (articles E0965 - E1910 - E5315 - E8000) |
21 Apr 1951 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2150 | "Diary" (article) -- Note: This differs from following item (E2165) of the same title. |
17 May 1985 | pp 19 of "New Statesman" (v109.#2826) - Article on Africa published as part of the "New Statesman" Diary page. | ||||
E2165 | "Diary" (article) -- Note: This differs from preceding item (E2150) of the same title. |
6 Nov 1985 | pp 4 of "New Statesman" (v114.#2954) - Article on Africa published as part of the "New Statesman" Diary page. | ||||
E2180 | "Dikgoro: Wards of the baKgatla - bakga Kgafele" (article co-authored with Amos K Pilane) | ||||
1973 | pp 123-4 of "Botswana Notes and Records" (#5) | ||||
E2195 | "Discourse on Graveyards" (article) | ||||
Feb 1956 | pp 148-149 of "Medical World" (v??.#??) | ||||
E2200 | "Discovering an Ancestor" (article) | ||||
28 Aug 1958 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" Note: The editor has added a note to the effect that NMM will today open an exhibition of sketches by her "Ancestor" Sir James Stuart in Gladstone's Land Gallery in Edinburgh. See pamphlet A0080. |
E2210 | "Do We Need an Opposition ?" (article) | ||||
May 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#5) | ||||
E2225 | "Does This Make Sense ?" (article) | ||||
12 Sep 1963 | pp 21-22 of "New Society" (#50) | ||||
2009 | pp 101-106 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2240 | "Does Your Living Rom Fit in With the Rest of the Farm?" (article) | ||||
Mar 1959 | pp ?? of "Farming Reporter" - a Coventry-based newspaper | ||||
E2255 | "Don't Lose Our Heads About Home Rule!" (article) | ||||
26 May 1951 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E2270 | "Don't think of bad" (article about Nigeria) | ||||
9 Mar 1957 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2285 | " 'Doon the Watter' with Grandfather: A Boy's Diary from 1843" (article) | ||||
28 Apr 1962 | pp 9 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2300 | "Down on the Farm" (article) | ||||
Sep 1943 | pp 29-35 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#32) | ||||
2009 | pp 134-139 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2315 | "Dr. Florence Buchanan" (article) | ||||
10 Apr 1931 | pp 78-79 of "The Woman's Leader And The Common Cause" (v23.#12) | ||||
E2330 | "Dr. Nkrumah's Day of Triumph"
(article) -- The last in a series of 4 articles penned while NMM attended the independence ceremony in Ghana other articles are E3177 - E7032 - E3732) |
7 Mar 1957 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" Note: Article - datelined "Accra, Wednesday" - written by NMM at the independence celebrations. |
E2345 | "Dream of To-morrow" (article) | ||||
8 Aug 1936 | pp 26-27 of "Passing Show" (v5.#229) - in the "Woman to Woman" column | ||||
E2360 | "Dry Days in Botswana" (article) | ||||
22 Oct 1966 | pp 65-68 of "Saturday Review of Literature (New York)" (v49.#43) - in the "Booked for Travel" column | ||||
E2375 | "Ducks are Different" (article) | ||||
16 Jan 1937 | pp 26-27 of "The Passing Show" (v5.#252) | ||||
E2383 | "The Duke of Sutherland Wants to Know What the Highland Panel is Doing" (article) | ||||
sep 1948 | pp 37 of "The Voice of Scotland" (v5.#1) | ||||
E2390 | "A Duty to be Truthful" (article) | ||||
30 May 1970 | pp ?? of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E2395 | "Education and a New World" (article) | ||||
Mar 1967 | pp 3 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#3) | ||||
E2400 | "Education and Sex" (article) | ||||
Jun 1965 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v4.#6) - this
article produced a flurry of responses - - 3 letters from Lefhoko, Rev.Bloomfield & Dr.Teicher printed in the Aug issue of "Kutlwano" (v4.#8) - editorial comment on the controversy - also in the Aug issue of "Kutlwano" (v4.#8) - 2 more letters from Moapare & Langton were printed in the Sep issue of "Kutlwano" (v4.#9) |
E2405 | "Education ans Student Revolt" (article) | ||||
Aug 1969 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v8.#8) | ||||
E2410 | "Education Dawns in Bechuanaland" (article) | ||||
1964 | pp 1178-1179 of "Scottish Educational Journal" (v47.#52) | ||||
E2420 | "Education for Rural Development in Botswana: a Comment" (article) | ||||
Sep 1973 | pp 458-460 of "The Journal of Modern African Studies" (v11.#3) | ||||
E2430 | "Education or Schools?" (article) | ||||
Jun 1967 | pp 2-3 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#6) | ||||
E2440 | "At Eleven O'Clock Precisely" (article) | ||||
30 Apr 1953 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
1953 | pp 107-110 of The Bedside Guardian 2
(ed. Ivor Brown) - pub. ENGLAND, London: Collins - HB - 256pp. Book contains a selection of articles from the "Manchester Guardian" in 1952-1953 |
E2450 | "Elizabeth Garrett Anderson" (article) | ||||
1931 | pp 155-195 of Revaluations (Studies In
Biography) (ed. A C Ward) pub. ENGLAND, Oxford: Oxford
University Press - HB - 245pp This book is the outcome of a course at the City Literary Institute in London at which NMM was one of the speakers (see lecture V3120). |
E2465 | "Embarkation at Gwadar" (article) | ||||
17 Mar 1951 | pp 300 & 302 of "New Statesman" (v41.#1045) | ||||
E2473 | "The Empty Places" (article) | ||||
?? 1948 | pp 8-11 of "Scotland" (#20) | ||||
E2480 | "An Encounter in South Africa" (article) | ||||
8 Mar 1963 | pp 8 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E2495 | "The End is the Beginning" (article) | ||||
17 Dec 1942 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 131-133 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2510 | "England, The Mother of Nations" (essay - as by "Naomi Haldane age 13") | ||||
Aug 1911 | pp 1223-1224 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E2525 | " 'English' in Scottish Schools" (article) | ||||
3 Mar 1950 | pp 147-149 of "The Scottish Educational Journal" - under the section heading of "Argumentative Article" | ||||
E2540 | "Enjoyed Living Dangerously" (article) | ||||
1985 | pp 299 of Indira Gandhi - Statesmen, Scholars, Scientists and Friends Remember. (ed. G Parthasarathi and Prasad H.Y.Sharada) pub. INDIA, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust - HB. This is book of tributes from 170 people worldwide. | ||||
E2555 | "Epiphany of Harlem" (article) | ||||
29 Jun 1935 | pp 808-809 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v9.#227) | ||||
E2570 | "Espergaerde's Museum - Food for Imagination" (article) | ||||
13 Jul 1962 | pp 44 of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E2585 | "Etiquette and Taboo" (article) | ||||
12 Mar 1932 | pp 323-324 of "The Week-End Review" (v50.#105) | ||||
E2615 | "Excuse Me, Your Unconscious is Showing" (article) | ||||
Mar 1965 | pp 78-9 of "The Central African Journal of
Medicine" (v11.#3) Note: Magazine was published in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia |
E2630 | "The Experience of Death" (article) | ||||
.. Oct 1964 | pp 26-28 of "Contact: Grief And Mourning" (v12.#1) | ||||
E2645 | "Experimental Writing Today" (article) | ||||
Spr 1955 | pp 68-71 of "Saltire Review" (v2.#4) | ||||
E2660 | "Experts and Volunteers" (article) | ||||
19 Dec 1969 | pp 884-885 of "New Statesman" (v78.#2023) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E2675 | "A Family Affair" (article) | ||||
30 May 1971 | pp 46-47 of "The Illustrated Weekly of India" - Illustration: Photograph of NMM | ||||
E2690 | "A Farmer Looks at the Job" (article) | ||||
Apr 1946 | pp 54 of "The Scots Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E2705 | "The Farmers' Dance" (article) | ||||
28 Dec 1955 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 85-88 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2720 | "Fascism and War" (article) | ||||
.. ... 1933 | pp 16 of "Storm: Stories of The Worker's Struggle" (#1) | ||||
9 Aug 1933 | pp 4 of "The Daily Worker" reports that "a symposium of questions and answers on Fascism and war" is printed in the latest issue (#4) of "Storm" | ||||
E2735 | "Fascism in Austria" (article) | ||||
Jun 1934 | pp 257-261 of "Twentieth Century" (v25.#145) | ||||
E2750 | "Fascists at Olympia" (article) | ||||
7 Jun 1934 | pp 15-?? of Fascists at Olympia: A Record
of Eyewitnesses and Victims (compiled by Vindicator
(Pseudonym of Tom Hopkinson) - pub. ENGLAND, London: Victor Gollancz -
pb - 48pp Reactions to the civil disorder during and after a mass Fascist rally at Olympia, and the counter demonstrations on the streets of London and elsewhere. |
5 SEp 1934 | pp 4 of "The Daily Worker", in a review of Blackshirt Brutality, NMM is mentioned as giving testimony about the events surrounding the rally. | ||||
E2765 | "Father's Diving Experiments
in the Kyles of Bute" (article) -- This is an extract from Small Talk (A0880) |
19 May 1973 | pp i of "Glasgow Herald - Saturday Extra" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E2780 | "The Fight for Drumbuie" (article) | ||||
8 Dec 1973 | pp 10 of "The Spectator" (#7589) | ||||
E2795 | "Finding a Tenant" (article) | ||||
Aut 1977 | pp 178-181 of "The Countryman" (v82.#3) | ||||
E2810 | "The Fisherman and His Soul, 1962" (article) | ||||
16 Feb 1963 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E2825 | "The Fishing Industry" (article) | ||||
Mar 1961 | pp 19 of "Scottish Field" (v??.#??) - in the "Scotland To-day" column | ||||
E2833 | "Folk High Schools Plod On" (article) | ||||
30 Jul 1971 | pp 9 of "Times Educational Supplement" (#2932) | ||||
E2840 | "Food Banks and Silos" (article) | ||||
May 1967 | pp 2-3 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#5) | ||||
E2855 | "Fools Paradise in Africa" (article) | ||||
30 Apr 1965 | pp 16 of "Tribune" (v29.#18) |
E2870 | foreword to Auden's essay "Writing" (foreword) | ||||
Sep 1990 | pp 35-38 of W H Auden: "The Maps of All my
Youth": Early Works, Friends and Influences (ed. Katherine
Bucknell & Nicholas Jenkins) pub. ENGLAND, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- HB - 256pp This book was the first volume in the Auden Studies series - and was reprinted in 1992 This essay was originally published in An Outline for Boys and Girls and their Parents - see (A0780) |
E2885 | foreword to The Dark Twin (foreword) | ||||
Dec 1998 | pp ?? of The Dark Twin by Marion
Campbell - pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Birlinn (House of Lochar) - pb -
264pp This book was originally published in 1973, and the foreword by NMM was added to a heavily revised edition published in 1988. Because of this the book is often listed as a collaboration. This is not supported by hard evidence. |
E2900 | foreword to A Garden in the Hills (foreword) | ||||
Mar 1995 | pp ?? of A Garden in the Hills by
Katharine Stewart - pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Mercat - pb - 114pp This book on gardening was reprinted by Mercat in 1998 & 2006 - and in a large print edition by ENGLAND, Oxford: Isis in 2008 |
E2915 | foreword to Labour Record
in Scotland: 1945-1949: an Address (foreword) -- Address given by Douglas Young to Aberdeen branch of Scottish University Labour Party on Thurs 16th Dec1948 |
Jan 1949 | pp 2-4 of Labour Record In Scotland:
1945-1949 Note: #32 in a series of pamphlets published by SCOTLAND, Glasgow: The Scottish Secretariat - pb - 24pp |
E2930 | foreword to The Life and Work of JBS Haldane (foreword) | ||||
1985 | pp vii of Haldane: The Life And Work of JBS Haldane: with Special Reference to India - (ed. Krishna R Dronamraju) - pub. SCOTAND, Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press - HB - 211pp | ||||
E2945 | "Forgetting About Botswana" (article) | ||||
21 Jul 1967 | pp 12 of "Tribune" (v32.#36) |
E2960 | "The Fortunate Isles" (article) | ||||
22 Nov 1963 | pp 738 & 740 of "New Statesman" (v66.#1706) | ||||
2009 | pp 290-292 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E2975 | "Forty Years of Aldous Huxley" (article) | ||||
Apr 1934 | pp 54-55 & 100-102 of "Nash's Pall Mall Magazine" (v93.#491) - illustrated with photographs | ||||
E2990 | "Four Towns and Inverary" (article) | ||||
16 Oct 1958 | pp 40-42 of "The Reporter" (v19.#6) - a New York-based bi-weekly magazine | ||||
E3005 | "Fred Urquhart" (article) | ||||
1986 | pp 831-832 of Contemporary Novelists (4th Ed) (ed. D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: St James - HB | ||||
E3020 | "Free Education - But What Are
We Teaching Them" (article) -- Third in a series of 5 pieces (articles E0770 - E3530 - E3020 - E0065 - E3440) |
30 Mar 1978 | pp ??-?? of "The Herald (Australia)" illustration: by Clifton Pugh |
E3035 | "Free Fun in New Delhi"
(article) -- This article was later read on radio - see T3785 |
13 Nov 1958 | pp ?? of "The Listener" (v60.#1546) | ||||
E3043 | "Freedom and the U.S.S.R.: A
Provocative Review" (article) |
10 Feb 1933 | pp 6 of "The Biggleswade Chronicle and Bedfordshire Gazette" | ||||
E3050 | " 'Fried Parasangs' " (article) | ||||
Aug 1925 | pp 6185-6186 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E3065 | "Friendship and the Flag" (article) | ||||
2 Aug 1967 | pp 7 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3080 | "The Future of Christian
Missions in Africa" (article ) -- article tied in with a Home Service broadcast - - see T4190 |
18 Jul 1963 | pp 80-81 of "The Listener" (v70.#1790) - illustrated with photographs | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E3095 | "The Gale" (article) | ||||
1 Jan 1953 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 347-349 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3110 | "Garden Fete" (article) | ||||
Oct 1950 | pp 10-12 of "Scotland" (#44) | ||||
2009 | pp 50-52 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3125 | "A Garden in Argyll" (article) | ||||
Sum 1980 | pp 126-131 of "The Countryman" (v85.#2) - illustrated with photographs | ||||
2009 | pp 363-366 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3140 | "The Garden Opening" (autobiographical article) | ||||
1955 | pp 127-133 of The Scottish Companion: A Bedside Book of Delights - (ed. Rhoda Spence) pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Richard Paterson - HB | ||||
2009 | pp 71-75 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3155 | "The Gentle Art of Motoring with the Children" (article) | ||||
30 Mar 1935 | pp 30-31 of "The Passing Show" (v4.#158) | ||||
E3170 | "Geoffrey Mitchison" (obituary) | ||||
Aug 1927 | pp ??-?? of "The Draconian" (v??.#??) - NMM's eldest son Geoffrey died of meningitis aged just 9½ on 17 July 1927 | ||||
E3177 | "Ghanaians Put Out the Flags:
Ready for the Independence Revels" (article) -- The first in a series of 4 articles penned while NMM attended the independence ceremony in Ghana other articles are E7032 - E3732 - E2330) |
5 Mar 1957 | pp 7 of "The Manchester Guardian" - article datelined "Accra, March 4" | ||||
E3185 | "Ghosts" (article) | ||||
27 Apr 1962 | pp 594-595 of "New Statesman" (v63.#1624) | ||||
E3200 | "Ghosts Go North" (article) | ||||
21 Sep 1962 | pp 360 of "New Statesman" (v64.#1645) | ||||
E3215 | "The Glen Devon Witches" (article) | ||||
May 1945 | pp 119-122 of "The Scots Magazine" (v43.#2) | ||||
E3230 | "The God-less Pattern" (article) | ||||
Aut 1985 | pp 23-24 of "(New) Humanist" (v100.#4 (Centenary Issue)) | ||||
E3245 | "The Golden Year" (article) | ||||
2 Jan 1960 | pp 9-10 of "New Statesman" (v59.#1503) | ||||
2009 | pp 355-357 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3260 | "Good Neighbours at Tarbert Lamb Sale" (article) | ||||
1 Nov 1969 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3275 | "Great-Grandfather's Hogmanay
at Buckeburg" (article) -- "Love in a Cottage for Archie Trotter" (E4790) is a follow-up to this piece. |
31 Dec 1966 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3280 | "Great Weapon in Hands of Teachers Against Fear" (article) | ||||
Nov 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#11) | ||||
E3290 | "Growing Pains" (article) | ||||
23 Oct 1984 | pp 10 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E3295 | "Growing Up Saturated With Science" (article) | ||||
14 Dec 1987 | pp ?? of "The Scientist" (v1.#27) | ||||
E3305 | "Guilt Came with Old Lace"
(article) -- First in a series of 3 reflective pieces (articles E3305 - E2015 - E8360) |
6 Nov 1965 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E3320 | "Hakon's Kyle" (article) | ||||
Aug 1961 | pp 11 of "Scotland's Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E3335 | "Haldane Lives On - in Nagercoil" (article) | ||||
3 Jun 1982 | pp 665 of "New Scientist" (v94.#1308) - with a photograph captioned "Naomi Mitchison lays the foundation stone" | ||||
E3350 | "Haldane of Cloan" (article) | ||||
28 Jul 1956 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" - with a photograph of Cloan | ||||
E3365 | "The Haldanes in Kintyre" (article) | ||||
Jul 1979 | pp 25-28 of "The Kintyre Magazine" (#5) | ||||
2009 | pp 374-377 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3380 | "The Haldanes. Personal Notes
and Historical Lessons" (article) -- An introduction to the discourse in the Royal Institute. (see following article E3395) |
Sep 1973 | pp ?? of Forthcoming Events (ed ??) - pub. ENGLAND, London: Royal Institution of Great Britain - ?pb | ||||
E3395 | "The Haldanes. Personal Notes
and Historical Lessons" (discourse) -- Discourse by NMM on Friday 19 Oct 1973 at Royal Institute of Great Britain (see preceding article E3380) |
1975 | pp 1-21 of Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Great Britain Proceedings - Vol 47 pub. ENGLAND, London: Applied Sciences Publishers - HB with DW - ??pp | ||||
E3410 | "Half-way to Sodom" (article) | ||||
7 Apr 1956 | pp 336-337 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v51.#1308) | ||||
E3425 | "Happiness on the Farm" (article) | ||||
22 Dec 1961 | pp 956 of "New Statesman" (v62.#1606) | ||||
2009 | pp 287-289 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3440 | "Happy in Barry Country"
(article) -- Last in a series of 5 pieces (articles E0770 - E3530 - E3020 - E0065 - E3440) |
3 Apr 1978 | pp 7 of "The Herald (Australia)" llustration: by Clifton Pugh |
E3455 | "Hard Times for a Lass of Parts" (article) | ||||
19 Feb 1966 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3470 | "A Harvest Experience" (article) | ||||
Aut 1973 | pp 252-253 of "Folklore" (v84.#3) | ||||
E3485 | "Harvesting in Kintyre" (article) | ||||
18 Oct 1952 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" - Illustration: photograph "Autumn Sunset on the Clyde Firth" | ||||
2009 | pp 188-192 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3500 | "Hauling Down the Flag at Mochudi" (article) | ||||
Dec 1966 | pp 222-223 of "The New African" Heading to article notes "Lady Mitchison, a member of the BaKgatla tribe in Botswana, visits her people for Independence" |
E3515 | "Hebridean Cattle Sale" (article) | ||||
Jan 1961 | pp 8-12 of "Scotland's Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E3522 | "Help and Self-Help" (article) | ||||
Jul 1965 | pp 10-11 of "Kutlwano" (v4.#7) | ||||
E3526 | "Help for the Victims" (article) | ||||
Jun 2011 | pp 176-177 of The Others' Austria:
Impressions of American and British Travelers. Volume Two: 1919-2007
(ed. Horst Jarka & Lois Jarka) - pub. USA, Riverside,CA: Ariadne
Press - pb - 473pp Although this item not (yet) seen, it is possibly an extract from Naomi Mitchison's Vienna Diary - book A0700 |
E3530 | "Here Land Rights Really
Matter" (article) -- Second in a series of 5 pieces (articles E0770 - E3530 - E3020 - E0065 - E3440) |
30Mar1978 | pp ??-?? of "The Herald (Australia)" illustration: by Clifton Pugh |
E3545 | "Herring Country" (article) | ||||
30 Sep 1961 | pp 12 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 311-312 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3560 | "The Highbrow Stafe" (article) | ||||
18 Jul 1925 | pp 486-488 of "Nation And Athenaeum" (v??.#??) | ||||
E3575 | "Highland Committees" (article) | ||||
16 Nov 1957 | pp 644 & 646 of "New Statesman" (v54.#1389) | ||||
E3590 | "Highland Election" (article) | ||||
1 Jul 1950 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E3605 | "Highland Funeral" (article) | ||||
Spr 1953 | pp 44-45 of "The Countryman" (v47.#1) -
*** check - one source gives (v49) This is mostly reprinted as part of of "When Scots Pay Tributel" - see E8405 |
2009 | pp 57-58 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3615 | "Highland Panel Journeys" (article) | ||||
Feb 1953 | pp 18-21 of "Scotland's Magazine" (#49) | ||||
E3620 | "The Highland Panel Meets the High Heid Yins - Herbert Morrison in Scotland" (article) | ||||
17 Jun 1950 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper - illustrated by a cartoon sketch of Herbert Morrison | ||||
E3635 | "Highland Schools" (article) | ||||
Mar 1961 | pp 16 of "Scottish Field" (v??.#??) - in the "Scotland To-day" column | ||||
E3650 | "Highland Socialist"
(article) -- A tribute to Jack Reid - a socialist county councillor who had recently died. |
29 Apr 1950 | pp 8 of "Forward" newspaper (#44) | ||||
E3665 | "Highland Water Garden" (article) | ||||
Spr 1955 | pp 85-88 of "The Countryman" (v51.#1) | ||||
2009 | pp 350-354 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3680 | "Hilaire Belloc in Sussex:
Some Memories" (article) -- Belloc had just died - on 16 Jul 1953. |
21 Jul 1953 | pp 6 of "Manchester Guardian" | ||||
30 Jul 1953 | pp ?? of "Manchester Guardian Weekly" | ||||
E3695 | "The Hill Country of South India: Communism with a Difference ?" (article) | ||||
5 Feb 1958 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3710 | "Hindu Charity to Sick Cows: Calcutta Preservation Society" (article) | ||||
17 Apr 1958 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3718 | "History and Institutions" (article) | ||||
Jul 1967 | pp 2-3 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#7) | ||||
E3725 | "Hogmanay in a Fishing Village" (article) | ||||
1 Dec 1955 | pp 1250-1251 of "Country Life" (v98.#3072) |
2009 | pp 80-84 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E3732 | "Hoisting Flag of Ghana: Accra
Crowds' Day of Rejoicing" (article) -- The third in a series of 4 articles penned while NMM attended the independence ceremony in Ghana other articles are E3177 - E7032 - E2330) |
6 Mar 1957 | pp 1A of "The Manchester Guardian" - article datelined "Accra, March 6 (1 A.M.)" | ||||
E3740 | "Holi in New Delhi" (article) | ||||
15 Mar 1958 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E3755 | extract from The Home and A Changing Civilisation see book A0480 | ||||
1998 | pp 227-?? of History in Our Hands: A Critical Anthology - (ed. Patrick Deane) - ENGLAND: Leicester: Leicester University Press - HB - 406pp | ||||
E3757 | extracts from The Home and A Changing Civilisation - see book A0480 | ||||
Aug 2005 | pp 175-6, 184-5 of Outspoken Women: An Anthology of Women's Writing on Sex, 1870-1969 - (ed. Lesley A Hall) - ENGLAND: London: Routledge - HB - 352pp | ||||
E3770 | "Home is Over Jordan" (article) | ||||
28 Apr 1956 | pp 443-444 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v51.#1311) - Contents page lists title as "Home is over the Jordan" | ||||
Apr 1988 | pp 155-157 of Lines of Dissent: Writing from the New Statesman, 1913-1988 - (ed. Stephen Howe) - ENGLAND: London: Verso Books - HB - 392pp | ||||
E3785 | "Home Thoughts to One Abroad"
(article) -- Last of 3 pieces based on a letter by Alexander Trotter who was NMM's Great-great-grandfather. (Articles E5915 - E4250 - E3785) |
16 Jul 1983 | pp 2 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E3800 | "The House Shook, The Rain Drummed and Roared" (article) | ||||
13 Nov 1965 | pp 8 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Two photographs |
E3815 | "How Clever Are We Being ?" (article) | ||||
Jan 1970 | pp 83-87 of "Question 3" | ||||
E3830 | "How Development is Working in India's Villages" (article) | ||||
13 Jan 1966 | pp 10 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E3845 | "How Independence Came to Parched Botswana" (article) | ||||
7 Oct 1966 | pp 18 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E3860 | "How the Scots Make Scotch"
(article) -- See also T4400 for a radio reading of this article. |
16 Apr 1959 | pp 32-33 of "The Reporter" (v20.#8) - a New York-based bi-weekly magazine | ||||
E3875 | "How to be a Candidate's Wife" (article) | ||||
1950 | pp 7-8 of "Oxford Clarion" (Hilary 1950
- #3) Note: This magazine is an Oxford University Labour Club publication, edited at the time by Val Mitchison. |
E3883 | "How to Educate Children" (article) | ||||
14 Nov 1931 | pp 279-280 of "Saturday Review of Literature" (v8.#17) | ||||
E3890 | "How Will the District Councils Work ?" (article) | ||||
Jul 1966 | pp 3 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#7) | ||||
E3905 | "Husbands as Home-Makers" (article) | ||||
22 Jun 1935 | pp 34-35 of "The Passing Show" (v4.#170) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E3920 | "I Am Concerned About These
Comics" (article) -- see also a letter in "The Glasgow Herald" (F5460) on the same subject. |
17 Jan 1953 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper A letter from Gordon Landsborough responding to points made in this article was printed in the 21 Feb 1953 issue, under the title "Raw Deal for Writers" |
E3935 | "I Don't Sing 'Land of Hope and Glory' " (article) | ||||
May 1959 | pp ?? of "News Club" (#29) - a Current Affairs Monthly published in collaboration with the Council for Education in World Citizenship | ||||
E3950 | "I Have Five Children" (article) | ||||
May 1938 | pp 493-504 of "Lilliput" (v2.#5) | ||||
1985 | pp 17-22 of Lilliput Goes to War (ed. Kaye Webb) pub. ENGLAND,London: Hutchinson - HB - 288pp | ||||
E3965 | "I Look at the Theatre" (article) | ||||
.. Oct 1930 | pp 861-865 of "Theatre Arts" (v??.#??) | ||||
E3980 | "Iceberg or Island ?" (article) | ||||
.. ... 1974 | pp 333-342 of "Theoria To Theory" (v8.#??) | ||||
E3987 | "The Idol of Public Spirit" (leading article) | ||||
Sep 1935 | pp ?? of "Good Housekeeping" (Sep 1935) This item has not been seen, but was mentioned in a review of the magazine that appeared on p2 of the 6 Sep 1935 issue of "The Lichfield Mercury" |
E3995 | "If England Was What England Seems" (article) | ||||
1991 | pp 257-260 of So Very English (ed. Marsha Rowe) pub. ENGLAND, London: Serpent's Tail - pb | ||||
E4000 | "If Only He Would Listen" (article) | ||||
31 Aug 1981 | pp 6 of "The Guardian" under the general
heading "Naomi Mitchison: Talking Shop". Illustrated by a photograph of
NMM. Two responses, from Angela Rush and Molly Lisseter, were printed on p9 of "The Guardian" on 10 Sep 1981 under the general heading of "Frightened Out of Our Wits by the Nuclear Threat?" |
E4010 | "I'll Never Forget" (article) | ||||
Jul 1952 | pp 10-13 of "Scotland" (v65) - the magazine of The Scottish Council (Development & Industry) | ||||
2009 | pp 181-184 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4020 | "The Importance of Grumbling" (article) | ||||
4 Sep 1937 | pp 3 of "The Northern Daily Mail" published a lengthy article under the general heading of To Defend Our Freedom, together with a photograph of NMM. | ||||
E4025 | "Import-expert" (article) | ||||
Jan 1975 | pp 60-64 of "African Affairs" (v74.#294) | ||||
E4030 | "Improve the Status of Women" (article) | ||||
Jan 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#1) | ||||
E4040 | "In Aid of the Village Hall" (article) | ||||
29 Jul1953 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E4055 | "In Argyll County Council" (article) | ||||
16 Mar 1946 | pp 4 of "Convention Newsletter" - published by Scottish Convention - pb - 4pp - 2d | ||||
E4070 | "In at the Birth of a Co-op" (article) | ||||
7 May 1966 | pp ?? of "Co-operative News" | ||||
E4085 | "In Bechuanaland, They Still
Want to Learn" (article) CHECK - does title say Botswana or Bechuanaland *** |
3 Nov 1965 | pp 9 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E4100 | "In Egypt Population is Outpacing Progress" (article) | ||||
10 Feb 1951 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E4115 | "In Greece" (article) -- This piece is a continuation of "Autumn around Athens" (E0755) in Jan 1931 issue |
Aug 1931 | pp 7528-7530 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E4125 | "In Retrospect" (essay) | ||||
Jul 1982 | pp 18-19 of Margaret Cole: 1893-1980 (ed. Betty Vernon) - pub. ENGLAND, London: The Fabian Society - pb - 24pp (This is Fabian Tract #482) | ||||
E4130 | "In Search of the Past" (article) | ||||
25 Aug 1972 | pp 10-11 of "The Times Educational Supplement" illustration: by Clifton Pugh |
E4137 | "In Search of Wild - and Delicate - Flavours" (article) | ||||
5 Mar 1956 | pp 51 of "The Manchester Guardian" - on flavourings used in Chinese cuisine | ||||
E4145 | "In Sight of the Sea" (article) | ||||
14 Nov 1964 | pp 11 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 25-26 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4153 | "In the Dark Hours" (article) | ||||
1992 | pp 113-116 of of <J B S Haldane: A Tribute (eds. Somesh Bagchi) - pub. INDIA, Calcutta: Indian Statistical Institute - ?? - ??pp | ||||
Nov 2017 | pp 725-728 of of "Journal of Genetics"
(v96.#5) - this is a journal published by the Indian Academy of Sciences |
E4160 | "In the Durrell Country" (article) | ||||
10 May 1960 | pp 7 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E4175 | "In the Jawathu Hills" (article) | ||||
Jul 1982 | pp 7 of "Action For Development" (#100) illustration: Photographs |
E4190 | "In the Tyrannical Grip of the Deep Freeze" (article) | ||||
13 Jul 1984 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" (#100) illustration: Photographs |
E4198 | "The Independence Dances" (article) | ||||
?1969 | pp 27-31 of "The Jewel of Africa" (v2.#1-4) - pub. ZAMBIA, Lusaka: Mphala Creative Society | ||||
E4205 | "India in My Blood" (article) | ||||
12 Feb 1978 | pp 28-29 of "The Illustrated Weekly of India" (v99.#7) - with an uncredited drawings | ||||
E4220 | "India Without Guides" (article) | ||||
2 Jun 1958 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E4235 | "Indian Friends and Places" (extract) | ||||
1980 | pp ??-?? of "The Times Educational Supplement" (#??) | ||||
E4242 | "Indian Region where 'None is Hungry' " (article) | ||||
13 Apr 1968 | pp 13 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E4250 | "An Innocent Abroad in the
Promised Land" (article) -- Second of 3 pieces based on a letter by Alexander Trotter who was NM's Great-great-grandfather. (Articles E5915 - E4250 - E3785) |
28 May 1983 | pp 2 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: Photograph |
E4265 | "Installation of an African Chief" (article) | ||||
16 Apr 1963 | pp 6 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E4280 | "Into Independence with Dignity but Little Aid" (article) | ||||
18 Oct 1966 | pp 11 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E4283 | introduction to Catalogue of Exhibition staged by the "New Scottish Group" of Artists (foreword) | ||||
1942 | Introduction to the catalogue for the first of a series of exhibitions and shows staged in the 1940s and 1950s by the "New Scottish Group" of artists. | ||||
E4287 | introduction to Gertrude Hermes: Bronzes and Carvings, Drawings, Wood Engravings, Wood and Linoblock Cuts: 1924-1967 (foreword) | ||||
Oct 1967 | Catalogue for an exhibition staged at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London, Oct-Nov 1967. Other text in the catalogue is by Bryan Robertson. | ||||
E4295 | "Invite Mother to the Party" (article) | ||||
28 Nov 1936 | pp 66-67 of "Passing Show" (v5.#245) - in the "Woman to Woman" column | ||||
E4300 | "Is the Idea of a Nation State Now Rather Out of Date ?" (article) | ||||
Oct 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#10) | ||||
E4310 | "It Is In Glasgow I Would Rather Be" (article) | ||||
4 Sep1958 | pp 40-41 of "The Reporter" (v19.#3) - a New York-based bi-weekly magazine | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E4317 | "Journey to Shetland" (article) | ||||
Voar 1950 | pp 23-25 of "The New Shetlander" (#12) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E4325 | "The Kerala Experiment" (article) | ||||
8 Mar 1958 | pp 296 of "New Statesman" (v55.#1408) | ||||
E4333 | "Kerala - Where Everyone Wants to be an Official" (article) | ||||
16 Apr 1968 | pp 9 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E4340 | "Kid's Stuff" (article) -- Note: Piece is untitled but all pieces in the book have this general title |
1988 | pp 35-36 of Kid's Stuff: the Save the Children Fund Book of Childhood Memories (ed. Wendy Craig ) - pub. ENGLAND, London: Fontana - pb | ||||
E4355 | "Kilts to Keep Satan at Bay (article) | ||||
2 Apr 1983 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald | ||||
E4370 | "Kindness to Grown-Ups" (essay) | ||||
5 Dec 1931 | pp 708-710 of "The Week-End Review" (v4.#91) | ||||
1932 | pp 82-84 of The Weekend Calendar
(ed Gerald Barry) pub, ENGLAND, London: Geoffrey Bles, HB All items in the book are from "The Weekend Review" between March & December 1931 |
E4385 | "Kintyre" (article) | ||||
1990 | pp 576-582 of "Discover Scotland - The Sunday Mail Guide To Scotland's Countryside" (v2.#21) - heavily illustrated with colour photographs | ||||
E4400 | "Kintyre News" (series of 10 short articles) | ||||
1944-45 | "Piobaireachd" (#28-#99) - this is the monthly newsletter of the 51st Highland Division | ||||
2009 | pp 12-19 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
2009 | pp ??-?? of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4415 | "Knowing When to Compromise - and When to Stop!" (article) | ||||
12 Nov 1949 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E4430 | "A Labour Point of View" (article) | ||||
Mar 1932 | pp 7620-7626 of "The Draconian" (#132-133
Double Issue) Note: The Aug 1932 issue of the magazine (published by the Dragon School in Oxford, has a long follow up article with many extracts of critical letters. |
E4438 | "A Lack of Confidence ?" (article) | ||||
Jul 1969 | pp 11-12 of "Kutlwano" (v8.#7) | ||||
E4445 | "Lambs for the Fair" (article) | ||||
31 Aug 1957 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 251-253 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4460 | "Land in the Islands" (article) | ||||
Dec 1961 | pp 52-53 of "Scottish Field" (v??.#??) - in the "Scotland To-day" column | ||||
E4470 | "The Land of the Blue Banana" (article) | ||||
2 Jan 1983 | pp 37 of "The Sunday Times" Illustration: photograph of a rural scene in Sri Lanka. |
E4475 | "The Land of the Free" (article) | ||||
16 Jan 1934 | pp 4 of "The Wells Journal and Somerset and West of England Advertiser" | ||||
E4480 | "Language Issues" (article) | ||||
May 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#5) | ||||
E4483 | "Large and Small Investment" (article) | ||||
Jul 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#7) | ||||
E4487 | "Lawrence the Imp: Teasing on a Large Scale - and Quiet Intensity" (article) | ||||
1 Feb 1955 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" - on NMM's friendship with T E Lawrence | ||||
E4490 | "Leaders of British Labour"
(article) |
Apr 1936 | pp ?? of "Current History" (v44.#1) | ||||
E4505 | "A Lean Harvest" (article) | ||||
26 Mar 1955 | pp 428 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v49.#1255) | ||||
2009 | pp 330-332 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4520 | "Leaning on a Gate" (article) | ||||
26 Feb 1955 | pp 276 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v49.#1251) | ||||
2009 | pp 204-206 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4535 | "Letter from A Tribe" (article) | ||||
16 Oct 1964 | pp 572-574 of "New Statesman" (v48.#1753) [another source gives (v68.#1753] | ||||
E4550 | "Letter from Botswana" (article) | ||||
4 Jun 1971 | pp 766-768 of "New Statesman" (v81.#2098) | ||||
E4565 | "Letter from Kampala" (article) | ||||
26 Feb 1971 | pp 270 of "New Statesman" (v81.#2084) | ||||
E4580 | "Liberation Day" (article) | ||||
7 May 1960 | pp 665-666 of "New Statesman" (v59.#1521) | ||||
E4595 | "Library in a Developing Country" (article) | ||||
1972 | pp 7 & 9-10 of "SLA News" (#107) - published by the Scottish Library Association | ||||
E4610 | "Life and Death in Mochudi" (article) | ||||
16 Nov 1968 | pp 2 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: Photograph of Mochudi |
E4625 | "Life begins at Balloch" (article) | ||||
19 Jan 1957 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 95-97 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4633 | "Life in the Outer Isles" (article) | ||||
May 1939 | pp ?? of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish
Country Life" (issue #??) This information comes from a review of the magazine on pp15 of "The Scotsman" for 8 May 1939 |
E4640 | "Life on Two Dollars" (article) | ||||
22 Feb 1954 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E4655 | "A Lifetime of Change" (article) | ||||
Aug 1974 | pp 21-22 of "The Kintyre Farmer" (probably #2) | ||||
E4670 | "Limbering Up" (article) | ||||
29 Aug 1974 | pp 543 of "New Scientist" (v63.#912) | ||||
E4685 | "Living Around with Neil"
(article) -- An abriged version of this titled "Memories Inscribed on the Heart" was published in "The Scotsman" (E5120) |
1991 | pp 115-137 of Neil Gunn's Country; Essays in Celebration of Neil Gunn (ed. Diarmid Gunn and Isobel Murray) pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh : Chambers - HB+DW - 176pp | ||||
E4700 | "Living in Scotland Today" (article) | ||||
May 1955 | pp 18-20 of "Scottish Field" (v103) - Illustration: 8 photographs - with another photograph on pp21 | ||||
2009 | pp 62-67 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4715 | "Locating National Interest" (article) | ||||
22 Nov 1973 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E4730 | "The Lodge on the River Kwai" (article) | ||||
5 Mar 1972 | pp 41 of "The Sunday Times" | ||||
E4745 | "A Look at Tanzania" (article) | ||||
Apr 1973 | pp 487 of "New Humanist" (v??.#??) | ||||
E4750 | "The Look of Democracy - British Political Issues" (article) | ||||
Sep 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#9) | ||||
E4760 | "Looking Across the Border in Palestine: Aspirations of a Young Israeli" (article) | ||||
11 Apr 1956 | pp ?? of "The Manchester Guardian" - article dateline d "Jerusalem, April" | ||||
E4775 | "The Looking-glass Frontier" Tensions of Israeli Border (article) | ||||
25 Jul 1956 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E4783 | "Love and Laughter Under the Soviet" (article) | ||||
?Feb 1933 | pp ?? of "The New Clarion" - a British weekly socialist newspaper. This item not seen by the compilers, so date inferred from the reprint below. | ||||
6 Mar 1933 | pp 5 of "Daily Standard" - a newspaper published in Brisbane, Queensland. This appears to be an lengthy extract (possibly reprinting the whole article) from its appearance in "The New Clarion" | ||||
24 May 1933 | pp 19 of "The Australian Worker" - a newspaper published in Sydney, NSW. The same extract as above under the slightly altered title of "Love and Laughter in Soviet Russia" | ||||
E4790 | "Love in a Cottage for Archie
Trotter" (article) -- This piece is a follow-up to "Great-Grandfather's Hogmanay at Buckeburg" (E3275) |
11 Mar 1967 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E4805 | "Love in History"
(article) |
Aug 1939 | pp 121-136 of "Lilliput" (v5.#2) | ||||
E4820 | "Lovely, Long Kintyre" (article) | ||||
Jun 1960 | pp 32-35 of "Scotland's Magazine" (#56) | ||||
2009 | pp 20-24 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E4835 | "MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance" (memoir) | ||||
1992 | pp 39-40 of Hugh MacDiarmid: Man and Poet
(ed. Nancy Gish) pub. USA, Orono (ME): National Poetry Foundation - HB
- 333pp This book reprinted in Mar 1993 by SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press - HB - 400pp |
E4850 | "Madras Loses Some of its Hungry Look" (article) | ||||
23 Mar 1968 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E4865 | "Maggots and Potatoes" (article) | ||||
7 May 1955 | pp 642,644 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v49.#1261) | ||||
2009 | pp 207-209 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4880 | "The Mains Field" (article) | ||||
19 Jan 1950 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E4895 | "Making Things Relevant to Life" (article) | ||||
23 Sep 1966 | pp ?? of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E4910 | "Margaret MacPherson" (article) | ||||
1978 | pp ??? of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (1st Ed) (ed D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: St. Martin's - HB | ||||
1983 | pp 503 of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (2nd Ed) (ed D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: St. Martin's - HB | ||||
E4925 | "Marginal Field" (article) | ||||
17 Nov 1947 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 169-171 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4940 | "Marginal Land" (1) (article) | ||||
21 Apr 1944 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 140-142 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4955 | "Marginal Land" (2) (article) | ||||
19 Nov 1946 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 163-165 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4970 | "Marginal Land Crop" (article) | ||||
30 Jan 1945 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 150-152 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E4985 | "Marginal Land: Drains" (article) | ||||
15 Apr 1948 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E5000 | "Marginal Land Harvest" (article) | ||||
22 Sep 1944 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp147-149 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5015 | "Marginal Land: Hay Crop" (article) | ||||
21 Aug 1947 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 166-168 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5030 | "Marginal Land: Second Year" (article) | ||||
29 Oct 1945 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 155-157 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5045 | "Marginal Land: Sowing Out" (article) | ||||
9 May 1946 | pp 4 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 158-160 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5060 | "Marriage and the Pope" (article) | ||||
7 Feb 1931 | pp 172-173 of "The Week-End Review" (v3.#48) | ||||
E5075 | "Married Woman Returner: Teacups and Primus" (article) | ||||
30 Apr 1965 | pp ?? of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E5090 | "Mary - the Story of a Waif"
(article) -- Article is about adoption and is presented as a story. |
19 Jan 1933 | pp 8 of "The Daily Herald" - Illustrated with a photograph of "Mrs Mitchison with one of her daughters" | ||||
E5095 | "Meantime: Looking Forward to
the Millennium" (extracts) -- A series of extracts from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
Feb 1991 | pp 97-105 of Meantime: Looking Forward to
the Millennium (ed. by the staff of Women 2000) pub. SCOTLAND,
Edinburgh: Polygon, in Association with Women 2000 - pb - 160pp -- Extracts from the following dates were included - 22 Dec 1941; 14 Feb 1941' 21 Jan 1942, 12 Aug 1945 |
E5100 | "Medical Problems and Solutions in Other Lands" (article) | ||||
Apr 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#4) | ||||
E5105 | "Meeting Earl Patrick" (article) | ||||
Summer 1970 | pp 9 of "New Shetlander" (#93) | ||||
E5120 | "Memories Inscribed on the
Heart" (article) -- An abriged version of "Living Around with Neil" (E4685) |
2 Nov 1991 | pp 9 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E5135 | "Memories of the Botswana Massacre" (article) | ||||
3 Aug 1985 | pp 7 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E5150 | "Messages of Support for
Morgan Thomson" (article) -- NMM wrote one of the 5 messages of support for a candidate for election in Dundee East constituency. |
12 Jul 1952 | pp 7?? of "Forward" newspaper - Illustrated by a photograph of the candidate & his wife. | ||||
E5165 | "Mild Winter" (article) | ||||
18 Jan 1954 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 197-199 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5180 | "Mistress Jean and I" (article) | ||||
Sep 1956 | pp 58-59 & 188-192 of "Good Housekeeping" | ||||
2009 | pp 89-94 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale see A0335 | ||||
E5195 | "Mochudi Twist" (article) | ||||
11 Mar 1964 | pp 8 of "The Guardian" - on the Mochudi Women's Welfate Club | ||||
E5210 | "Mochudi Wedding - Despite the Difficulties" (article) | ||||
7 Jun 1966 | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E5225 | "Modern Homes Among Rose
Bushes: A Scot in Denmark - II " (article) -- Second in a series of 3 pieces (articles E7130 - E5225 - E1070) |
20 Jul 1953 | pp 2 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E5240 | "The Moral Idea and the
Political Vision" (article) -- This is an extract from The Moral Basis of Politics - see A0660 |
1998 | pp ??-240 of History in Our Hands: A Critical Anthology - (ed. Patrick Deane) - ENGLAND: Leicester: Leicester University Press - HB - 406pp | ||||
E5250 | "More on the Economic
Development Plan" (article) -- see also the article E7017 |
E5255 | "The Morning After in Ghana: Dr Nkrumah to Keep His Promises?" (article) | ||||
18 Mar 1957 | pp 7 "The Manchester Guardian") - article datelined "Accra, March" | ||||
E5270 | "Moscow to Delhi" (article) | ||||
26 Sep 1971 | pp 36-37 of "The Illustrated Weekly of India" - Illustration: several sketches by Milon | ||||
E5285 | "Motherhood" (article) | ||||
29 Aug 1924 | pp 249-250 of "The Woman's Leader" (#16) | ||||
E5300 | "Mr. Bumble and the Bakgatla" (article) | ||||
9 Jun 1967 | pp 1940 of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E5315 | "The Muezzin's Microphone: The
Long Way to Pakistan - III " (article) -- Third in a series of 4 pieces (others are E0965 - E1910 - E1715) plus one related piece (article E2135) |
24 Feb 1951 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E5330 | "A Museum in Africa" (article) | ||||
Jun 1974 | pp 9-10 of "Museums Journal" (v??.#??) | ||||
E5345 | "Mussoorie Now" (article) | ||||
27 Apr 1959 | pp 5 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E5360 | "My Brother Jack" (article) | ||||
1973 | pp ??-?? of J B S Haldane Reader of Popular Scientific Essays - ed. ?? (Russia,Moscow?: - no details available) | ||||
E5375 | "My Country Childhood" (article) | ||||
Oct 1989 | pp 228 of "Country Living" (#46) | ||||
E5390 | "My Farming and My Neighbours" (article) | ||||
Aut 1944 | pp 23-26 of "The Countryman" (v30.#1) - with a photograph of NMM | ||||
2009 | pp 143-146 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5405 | "My Father: A Memoir" (autobiographical article) | ||||
Aug 1981 | pp 4-6 of "New Edinburgh Review" (#55) illustration: Photograph |
1982 | pp 11-20 of New Edinburgh Review Anthology (ed. James Campbell) pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Polygon Books - HB | ||||
E5420 | "My Hopes for 1985" (article) | ||||
31 Dec 1984 | pp 14 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E5435 | "My Own Tribe: The Plight of the Bakgatla People in Bechuanalsnd's Terrible Drought" (article) | ||||
Jun 1966 | pp 102-115 of "The Geographical Magazine" (v39.#2) - with several photographs, some in colour | ||||
E5450 | "My Scotland" (article) | ||||
2 Apr 1988 | pp 1 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: 4 photographs - including 2 of NMM |
E5465 | "My Weeds" (article) | ||||
Sum 1946 | pp 282-283 of "The Countryman" (v33.#2) | ||||
2009 | pp 161-162 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E5480 | "Naboth and Others" (article) | ||||
14 Jan 1972 | pp 45-46 of "New Statesman" (v83.#2130) | ||||
E5495 | "Namely Lambs at Tarbert Sale" (article) | ||||
26 Aug 1961 | pp 9 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 280-283 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5510 | "Naomi Mitchison describes a childhood among scientists" (article) | ||||
8 Feb 1973 | pp 182-184 of "The Listener" (v89.#2289)
- with a photograph by Ronald Clark Note: Article is tied to a BBC Radio 3 broadcast |
E5515 | "Naomi Mitchison Finds Herself Asking Questions" (article) | ||||
Oct 1967 | pp 28-29 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#10) | ||||
E5517 | "Naomi Mitchison in Scotland
Listens to an English Officer Talk of Invasion" (extract) - extract from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
2004 | pp ?? of
Witness to War: Diaries of the Second World War in Europe and the
Middle East (ed. Richard J Aldrich) pub. ENGLAND, London:
- HB - 736pp -- Extract from the following date was included - 16 Apr 1942 |
E5520 | "Naomi Mitchison Replies to Dr
Fuller" (article) -- this is a response to "Dr Fuller attacks Naomi Mitchison" in the Sep 1967 issue of "Kutlwano" (v6.#9) |
Dec 1967 | pp 7 of "Kutlwano" (v6.#12) | ||||
E5525 | "National Development Plan" (article) | ||||
Feb 1969 | pp 12-13 of "Kutlwano" (v8.#2) | ||||
E5535 | "Neglected Fictions" (article) | ||||
18 Oct 1985 | pp 1188 of "The Times Literary Supplement" Note: Part of a multi-author symposium on neglected works of fiction |
E5540 | "Neo-colonialism is One of
Those Words Which Have No Real Meaning" (article) -- Title as given here is the opening sentence of the untitled article. |
18 Oct 1985 | pp 9 of "Tribune" (#??) Note: Part of a multi-author symposium on neglected works of fiction |
E5555 | "New Cloud-Cuckoo-Borough" (article) | ||||
Jun 1934 | pp 30-38 of "The Modern Scot" (v5.#1-2) | ||||
1935 | pp 266-280 of Towards A New Scotland
(ed. J H Whyte) pub. ENGLAND, London: Alexander Maclehose & Co. -
HB - 296pp Note: Articles in the book all reprinted from "The Modern Scot" magazine |
E5570 | "The New Midden" (article) | ||||
Spr 1941 | pp 95-96 of "Kingdom Come: The Magazine of Wartime Oxford" (v?.#?) | ||||
E5585 | "The New Shed" (article) | ||||
6 Oct 1961 | pp 472-473 of "New Statesman" (v62.#1595) | ||||
2009 | pp 284-286 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5593 | "News and Views" (quotation) | ||||
15 Jun 1933 | pp 4 of "The Cornishman and Cornish
Telegraph" in a column of news snippets and quotations. NMM's quote, with no source given, is "Writers are almost the only people whom our libel laws allow to be attacked, so hurrah for a good bang and slash." The same quotation appeared in the "Notable Sayings" column on p6 of "The Aberdeen Press and Journal" in the 17 Jun 1933 issue. |
E5597 | "News, Science and Us" (article) | ||||
Nov 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#11) | ||||
E5600 | "1929: A Christmas Memory" (article) | ||||
Aug 1992 | pp 14-15 of "The W H Auden Society Newsletter" (#9) | ||||
E5615 | "No Complacency, Obstinacy - But Work for Each Other" (article) | ||||
9 Oct 1948 | pp 4 of "Forward" newspaper (#42) . No.4 in a series "The Scotland I Want to See" | ||||
E5630 | "No Fling for Highlands ?" (article) | ||||
2 Aug 1973 | pp 257-259 of "New Scientist" (v59.#857) illustration: 2 photographs on p259 |
E5645 | "No Mean City" (article) | ||||
25 Nov 1953 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E5660 | "No More Porridge" (article) | ||||
Aut 1982 | pp 66-70 of "The Countryman" (v87.#3) illustration: by Donald Watson |
2009 | pp 306-308 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5675 | "No Normal Year in Botswana" (article) | ||||
Aut 1971 | pp 165-170 of "Scottish Agriculture"
(v50.#4) illustration: Photograph |
E5680 | "No Plain Way to Peace" (article) | ||||
Jun 1938 | pp ?? of "Controversy: The Monthly Socialist Forum" (v2.#21) - This was a response to Simone Weil's "The Next World War" in the Mar 1938 (v2.#18) issue of the same magazine. | ||||
E5690 | "Norway and Us" (article) | ||||
8 Aug 1974 | pp Back page (unnumbered) of "The Campbeltown Courier" | ||||
E5705 | "Not Enough Pain" (article) | ||||
Apr 1960 | pp 370 & 373-374 of "Medical World" (v92) | ||||
E5720 | "Note on Books and One's Funny Idea of Ancient History" (article) | ||||
1924 | pp 315-318 of When The Bough Breaks (A1030) | ||||
E5735 | "Notes on the Future of Communism in India" (article) | ||||
Apr 1958 | pp 434-439 of "Monthly Review: an Independent Socialist Magazine" (v9.#11) - magazine is published in New York | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E5750 | "Olaf Stapledon" (article/obituary) | ||||
Win 1950 | pp 13-15 of "Humanity Now" (#9) Note: This item not seen - but is mentioned in "Science Fiction Studies" (#59) |
E5765 | "The Old Canal" (article) | ||||
12 Aug 1961 | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" newspaper | ||||
2009 | pp 341-344 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5780 | "The Old Gleaners" (article) | ||||
25 Sep 1954 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
1955 | pp 205-206 of Casual Columns: The Glasgow Herald Miscellany (ed. R N Biles) pub. SCOTLAND, Glasgow: Outram & Co - HB | ||||
E5790 | "The Old Lion Still Has Teeth" (article) | ||||
Mar 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#3) | ||||
E5795 | "Old Sins and Hell Fire" (article) | ||||
8 Jul 1961 | pp 9 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E5810 | "On the Council" (article) | ||||
31 Aug 1957 | pp 245-246 of "New Statesman" (v54.#1381) | ||||
2009 | pp 98-100 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5825 | "On the Edge of the Highlands" (article) | ||||
Jun 1944 | pp 35-39 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#33) | ||||
2009 | pp 3-11 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E5840 | "On the Lower Lands of Lesotho" (article) | ||||
22 Mar 1965 | pp 10 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E5855 | "On Writing Historical Novels" (article) | ||||
1959 | pp 113-118 of Cairo Studies In English (ed. Magdi Wahba) pub. EGYPT, Cairo: University of Cairo - pb | ||||
E5863 | " "One Day a Garment for the World" " (article) | ||||
9 Sep 1937 | p 2 of"The Daily Worker" - one item in a whole page of articles about the Spanish Republican "La Pasionaria" | ||||
E5870 | "One Party Rule in Africa" (article) | ||||
1984 | pp 38-44 of"The Round Table" (#289) "The Round Table" was a magazine published by Butterworth & Co. |
E5878 | "Opinion Column" (article) | ||||
May 1980 | pp 31 of "Kutlwano" (v18.#5) | ||||
E5885 | "Organised Crime"
(article) -- Article on Californian culture as seen during a lecture tour. |
6 Jun 1984 | pp 8 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E5900 | "Other Happiness, Other Risks" (article) | ||||
18 May 1964 | pp 10 of "The Guardian" illustration: Two photographs |
E5905 | "The Other Nigeria" (article) | ||||
12 Jun 1957 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" - on the tribal and economic divisions within the country | ||||
E5910 | "Our Museum - A Picture of Botswana's Possibilities" (article) | ||||
Jan 1972 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v11.#1) | ||||
E5915 | "Out of the Old World and Into
the New" (article) -- First of 3 pieces based on a letter by Alexander Trotter who was NM's Great-great-grandfather. (Others are E4250 - E3785) |
19 Mar 1983 | pp 2 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E5930 | "An Oxford Childhood"
(article) |
5 Mar 1938 | pp ?? of "The Oxford" (Spring issue -
v4.#3) Magazine is published by The Oxford Society and was heavily trailered in an advertisement posing as a news item in several issues of "The Times" both before and after the official publication date. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E5945 | "P.C.Mahalanobis: A Lively Host" (article) | ||||
.. ... 19.. | pp 39 of "Samvadadhvam (House Journal of The Indian Statistical Institute)" (v10.#1) | ||||
E5960 | "Pages from a Russian Diary" (article) | ||||
Aut 1932 | pp 229-236 of "The Modern Scot" (v3.#3) | ||||
May 2004 | pp 210-?? of Modernism and Nationalism:
Literature and Society in Scotland 1918-1939 (ed. Margery
Palmer McCulloch) pub. SCOTLAND, Glasgow: Association for Scottish
Literary Studies - HB & pb - 416pp Note: An extract from the original article was included in this book |
>>> See also an academic work in Italian discussing this article. | |||||
E5967 | "Palestin's Strange and Crazy Border: Following a Thick Pencil Line on the Map" (article) | ||||
7 Apr 1956 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" - article datelined "Jerusalem, April" | ||||
E5975 | "Parkinson in Paris" (article) | ||||
18 Apr 1959 | pp 538 of "New Statesman" (v57.#1466) | ||||
E5990 | "Pattern of Harvest" (article) | ||||
7 Oct 1948 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E6005 | " 'Peace, Freedom and Democracy' " (article) | ||||
?Sum 1955 | pp 5-8 of "Authors World Peace Appeal - Bulletin No.11" | ||||
E6020 | "Peggy Appiah" (article) | ||||
1978 | pp ??? of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (1st Ed) (ed. D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: St. Martin's - HB | ||||
1983 | pp 33 of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (2nd Ed) (ed. D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: Macmillan - HB | ||||
E6035 | "P.E.N's Hospitable Reception in Holland: Some Impressions of Conference" | ||||
5 Jul 1954 | pp 5 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E6050 | "Personal Advertisement" | ||||
12 Aug 1964 | pp 1 of "The Times" This appeared just after her husband become a member of the House of Lords. In full it reads "I, Naomi Mitchison, still wish to be called Naomi Mitchison". |
E6065 | "Perthshire Sabbath" (article) | ||||
Apr 1960 | pp 39-40 of "Scottish Field" - One drawing by Lloyd and one photograph by Brodrick Haldane | ||||
E6080 | "Peshawar in Spring" (article) | ||||
9 Apr 1951 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" A letter from Harold Taylor on p4 of "The Manchester Guardian" of 14 Apr 1951 corrected a point made in NMM's article. An apologetic letter (see F5120) from NMM on p6 of "The Manchester Guardian" of 20 Apr 1951 acknowledged her error. |
E6095 | "Petunia and the Vet" (article) | ||||
Apr 1962 | pp 340 & 343-344 of "Medical World" (v??.#??) | ||||
E6110 | "Philip Ram" (article) | ||||
Spr 1945 | pp 107-108 of "The Countryman" (v31.#1) - in the "Countryside Chat from Scotand" section | ||||
2009 | pp 153-154 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6125 | "Pieces of History Lost Forever" (article) | ||||
?? | pp ?? of (possibly) "The Glasgow Herald" - unannotated clipping only seen - date likely to be in last week of April, possibly in 1959 | ||||
E6140 | "Pigeon Shoot" (article) | ||||
11 May 1955 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 68-70 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6155 | "Pinks + Browns = People" (article) | ||||
Nov 1958 | pp 6 of "News Club" (#25) - a Current Affairs Monthly published in collaboration with the Council for Education in World Citizenship | ||||
E6170 | "Pisan Panorama - Home
Thoughts from Italy - I" (article) -- First in a series of 2 pieces (articles E6170 - E1835) |
11 Oct 1958 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E6185 | "Plaintive Songs of Farewell on an Irish Emigrant Ship" (article) | ||||
21 Nov 1953 | pp 9 of "The Sydney Morning Herald" -- article written after a transatlantic crossing on the Olympia in the company of many emigants. Included in this article are 3 verses of an untitled ballad (see C1955) written as part of an impromptu on-board entertainment. NMM persuaded a fellow-passenger Burl Ives to contribute to the entertainment. Article is accompanied by a photograph of NMM. | ||||
E6200 | "A Plan for the Mound" (article) | ||||
Spr 1984 | pp 32-34 of "New Edinburgh Review" (#65) | ||||
E6215 | "Planning a Kitchen Complex" (article) | ||||
Apr 1972 | pp 50-52 of "Scottish Field" (v109.#832
- with photographs **** check - one source says (v119) |
2009 | pp 107-113 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6230 | "Platform Party" (article) | ||||
31 Oct 1953 | pp 516-517 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v46.#1182) | ||||
2009 | pp 59-61 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6245 | "Poets and Prophets" (article) | ||||
1962 | pp 386-393 of What The Human Race Is Up To (A1020) | ||||
E6260 | "The Polaris Base" (article) | ||||
Mar 1961 | pp 16 of "Scottish Field" (v??.#??) | ||||
E6263 | "Political Points" (article) | ||||
9 Oct 1960 | pp 20 of "The Observer" - datelined Scarborough, 8 Oct; on the Labour Party Conference | ||||
E6267 | "Politics in Botswana" (article) | ||||
9 Oct 1966 | pp ?? of "Venture: Socialism and the Developing World" (v18.#9) - A Fabian Society publication | ||||
E6275 | "Poorest Country" (article) | ||||
??1967 | pp 27-28 of (probably) "Socialist Commentary" (v??.#??) - unannotated clipping only seen | ||||
E6290 | "Possums on Lomondside" (article) | ||||
22 Mar 1981 | pp 41 of "The Observer - Review Section" | ||||
E6305 | "Postscript on Palestine II. Around and About Jerusalem" (article) | ||||
Aug 1956 | pp 155-165 of "The Twentieth Century" (v160.#954) | ||||
E6320 | "Prayer for Rain" (article) | ||||
21 Aug 1964 | pp 242-243 of "New Statesman" (v68.#1745) | ||||
E6335 | "The Price of a Binder" (article) | ||||
3 Nov 1956 | pp 544-545 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v52.#1338) | ||||
2009 | pp 238-241 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6340 | "Privately and Publicly Owned Land ?" (article) | ||||
Jan 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#1) | ||||
E6350 | "The Problems of the Drifter-Men" (article) | ||||
17 Aug 1946 | pp 22-25 of "Picture Post" (v32.#7) - with photographs by Haywood Magee | ||||
E6358 | "Proverbial Wisdom"
(article co-authored with Amos K Pilane) -- This may be a reworked version of article E0830 |
?1968 | pp ??-22 of "The Jewel of Africa" (v1.#1-5) - pub. ZAMBIA, Lusaka: Mphala Creative Society | ||||
E6365 | "Puzzle - Name the Calf" (article) | ||||
5 Mar 1954 | unnumbered page of "Farming News and N.B.A." | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E6375 | "A Question of Values" (article) | ||||
May 1965 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v4.#5) | ||||
E6380 | "Quote Me" (article) | ||||
26 Jul 1989 | pp 21 of "The Times" - accompanied by a
photograph of NMM The quotation is the first few words of an interview in the "The Sunday Times" and reads "Dying in quite the most interesting event that is going to happen to me now." |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E6395 | "Readers' Motoring Tales - 79" (article) | ||||
Aut 1947 | pp 78 of "The Countryman" (v36.#1) | ||||
E6400 | "Recollections of Jim Watson" (article) | ||||
Aug 2003 | pp ?? of Inspiring Science: Jim Watson and
the Age of DNA (ed. John Inglis, Joseph Sambrook & Jan A
Witkowski) pub. USA, Cold Spring Harbor,NY: Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press - HB - 503pp It is unclear when this article was originally written. |
E6405 | "Reduplication in Mice
(Preliminary Communication)" (article) -- article credited to J B S Haldane, A D Sprunt and N M Haldane. |
Dec 1915 | pp 133-135 of "The Journal of Genetics" (v5.#2) | ||||
E6410 | "Reflections in Committee" (article) | ||||
Jun 1955 | pp 607-608 & 611 of "Medical World" (v??.#??) | ||||
E6425 | "Remember Kindly" (article) | ||||
Spr 1959 | pp 29-32 of "Saltire Review" (v6.#18) | ||||
E6440 | "Remembering Aldous Huxley" (article) | ||||
1965 | pp 51-56 of Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963: A
Memorial Volume (ed. Julian Huxley) pub. USA, New York: Harper
& Row - HB - 174pp Also published by ENGLAND, London: Chatto & Windus (1965) and by CANADA, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin (1966) Book consists of essays and reminiscences of Aldous Huxley as delivered at a meeting of his friends on 17 Dec 1963. See next item for publication of an extract of NMM's essay |
E6455 | "Remembering Aldous Huxley" (extract) | ||||
1976 | pp 55 of Lady Ottoline's Album
(ed. Julian Vinogradoff) pub. USA, New York: Knopf - HB - 117pp See previous item for publication of the full essay. |
E6470 | "Remote Area" (article) | ||||
7 Dec 1957 | pp 772 of "New Statesman" (v54.#1395) | ||||
E6485 | "Rescue in Barra" (article) | ||||
23 Jul 1961 | pp 1000-1001 of "New Statesman" (v61.#1580) | ||||
E6500 | "Return to Shetland" (article) | ||||
25 Feb 1977 | pp 244-245 of "New Statesman" (v93.#2397) | ||||
E6515 | "Return to the Delta" (article) | ||||
14 May 1960 | pp 704 706 708 of "New Statesman" (v59.#1522) | ||||
E6530 | "Return to Delta - II" (article) | ||||
11 Jun 1960 | pp 850 & 852 of "New Statesman" (v59.#1526) | ||||
E6545 | "Rhoda Power" (article) | ||||
1978 | pp ??? of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (1st Ed) (ed. D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: St. Martin's - HB | ||||
1983 | pp 626-627 of Twentieth Century Children's Writers (2nd Ed) (ed. D L Kirkpatrick) pub. ENGLAND, London: Macmillan - HB | ||||
E6560 | "Riddles of the Bakgatla" (article co-authored with Amos K Pilane) | ||||
1974 | pp 29-35 of "Botswana Notes and Records" (v6) | ||||
E6575 | "The Right to Die" (article) | ||||
Aug 1956 | pp 159-160 & 163 of "Medical World" (v??.#??) | ||||
E6583 | "The Rock" (article) | ||||
13 May 1954 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" - about visiting Gibraltar | ||||
E6590 | "Rough Weather" (article) | ||||
25 Aug 1956 | pp 212 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v52.#1328) | ||||
2009 | pp 232-234 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6605 | "Rural Reconstruction" (article) | ||||
1942 | pp 92-107 of The New Scotland: 17 Chapters on
Scottish Reconstruction (ed. Neil MacLean) pub.
ENGLAND, London: The London Scots Self-Government Committee - pb
- 178pp |
2009 | pp 378-396 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6620 | "Russia" (article) | ||||
Jan 1933 | pp 7769-7771 of "The Draconian" illustration: 11 photographs |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E6630 | "The Sales" (article) | ||||
5 Nov 1960 | pp 688 & 690 of "New Statesman" (v60.#1547) | ||||
2009 | pp 276-279 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6640 | "Samuel Alexander: 1859 - A Benevolent Philosopher" (article) | ||||
6 Jan 1959 | p6 of "The Manchester Guardian" - published on the centenary of his birth | ||||
E6650 | "Sanctions and Customs" (article) | ||||
Sep 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#9) | ||||
E6660 | "Sayings of The Day" - Contribution - 5 Sep 1931 (quotation) | ||||
5 Sep 1931 | pp 4 of "The Lancashire Evening Post" Quotation is "The essence of a good marriage is a delicate thing - it must not by constantly pulled up by the roots or it stops growing. Only the really intelligent, only those who are prepared to work at it, to consider marriage not as a safe corner, but as a constant and exciting adventure, ought to marry one another." |
E6670 | "Sayings of The Week" - Contribution - 8 Jul 1979 (quotation) | ||||
8 Jul 1979 | pp 9 of "The Observer" Quotation is "Although old Jonathan Cape was a bottom-pincher, he was also a bit of a prude." |
E6674 | "Sayings of The Week" - Contribution - 8 Apr 1984 (quotation) | ||||
8 Jul 1979 | pp 7 of "The Observer" Quotation is "One should love one's neighbour as oneself, but I don't go quite as far as that." |
E6678 | "Sayings of The Week" - Contribution - 15 Jul 1984 (quotation) | ||||
15 Jul 1984 | pp 8 of "The Observer" Quotation is "Among intelligent people there should never be any in-law problems." |
E6680 | "A School in Botswana" (article) | ||||
Jun 1973 | pp 44 of "New Humanist" (v89.#2) | ||||
E6690 | "Science and Beef" (article) | ||||
Aug 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#8) | ||||
E6695 | "Science and the Child's
World" (article) |
?1963 | pp 82-84 of "The New Era in Home ans School"
(??) Undated clipping - internal evidence suggests early 1963 in v#44 |
E6710 | "Science and the Small Farmer"
(article) |
12 Mar 1959 | pp 586-587 of "New Scientist" (v5.#121) Illustration: photograph of NMM and a large pig |
2009 | pp 271-275 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6725 | "Science for Balance" (article) | ||||
26 Sep 1957 | pp 17-18 of "New Scientist" (v2.#45) -
Article is trailed on magazine cover as "The Indispensibility of a
Scientific Education". A response to this article was printed in a letter titled "Science, Balance and Beauty" from Mary McLean in the 17 Oct 1957 issue of New Scientist and mention was also made to the article in a letter from Morris Cargill in a letter printed in the 14 Nov 1957 issue. |
E6740 | "Science in Botswana" (article) | ||||
Mar 1977 | pp N54-N55 of "Trends in Biochemical Sciences" (v2.#3) | ||||
E6755 | "Science in Egypt" (article) | ||||
28 Apr 1960 | pp 1073-1074 of "New Scientist" (v7.#180) | ||||
E6770 | "Scientific Curiosity: John Scott Haldane, F.R.S., 1860-1936" (article) | ||||
4 Aug 1960 | pp 350-352 of "New Scientist" (v8.#194) -
with a photograph of John Scott Haldane (on p351) A correction to a factual error in the article was printed in a letter from NMM titled "Fire-Damp" published in the 8 Sep 1960 issue of "New Scientist" |
E6777 | "The Scots Hero" (article) | ||||
?? 1948 | pp 40-44 of "Scotland" (#21) | ||||
E6785 | "Scots Hospital's Wide Influence: Goodbye to Bechuanaland" (article) | ||||
1 Apr 1964 | pp 8 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E6790 | "Second Front Now"
(extract) - an extract from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
2004 |
E6793 | "The Secret Annexe"
(extracts) -- A series of extracts from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
2004 | In The Secret Annexe : an Anthology of the
World's Greatest War Diarists (ed. Irene & Alan Taylor)
pub. SCOTLAND, Edinburgh: Canongate - HB - 676pp -- This book has gone through several editions, and possibly revisions both in the UK and USA - but always published by Canongate. It has been variously titled The War Diaries: An Anthology of Daily Wartime Diary Entries Throughout History and Those Who Marched Away : an Anthology of the World's Greatest War Diaries, but throughout it appears that the selection from NMM's diaries remained the same - as below. |
-- The book is organised by day of the year, with
several entries by a variety of diarists for different years under each
day heading. NMM contributed towards the following dates - -- 27 Jan 1941; 29 Jan 1941; 17 Mar 1944; 13 Apr 1945; 23 Apr 1945; 2 May 1945; 8 May 1945 -- 13 May 1941; 15 May 1941; 16 May 1941; 11 Jun 1940; 15 Jun 1940; 17 Jun 1943; 18 Jun1940 - 9 Jul1943; 12 Aug 1940; 1 Sep 1939; 30 Oct 1944; 1 Nov 1940; 6 Nov 1944; 28 Nov 1944 |
E6800 | "Sex and Politics" (essay) | ||||
Dec 1933 | pp 137-148 of "Twentieth Century" (v23.#138) | ||||
E6807 | "Sex and the Modern Girl" (article) | ||||
Dec 1935 | pp ?? of "Woman's Fair: The Journal of Beauty" (v1.#1) | ||||
E6815 | "The Shaming of Scotland" (article) | ||||
Sep 1935 | pp 34-36 of "The Scottish Bookman" (v1.#1) | ||||
E6830 | "Sheneval" (article) | ||||
15 Sep 1952 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 185-187 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6845 | "Short Holiday" (article) | ||||
23 Oct 1952 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E6860 | "Should we Promise a Materialist Heaven" (article) | ||||
19 Nov 1949 | pp 7 of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E6875 | "Sitting For Wyndham Lewis" (article) | ||||
9 Jul 1956 | pp 6 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E6890 | "Skills and Changes" (article) | ||||
19 Aug 1977 | pp 238 of "The New Statesman" (v94.#2422) | ||||
2009 | pp 301-305 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6905 | "A Small Farmer Looks at Her Farm" (article) | ||||
Mar 1942 | pp 23-25 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#29) | ||||
2009 | pp 123-130 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E6920 | "The Small World of the Hospital Ward" (article) | ||||
21 May 1968 | pp 9 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E6935 | "Snakes, Marbles, Rolling
Stock" (article) - on a Scottish child's Christmas |
28 Dec 1979 | pp 14 of "The Times Education Supplement" | ||||
E6950 | "Social Readjustment"
(article) |
Win 1981 | pp 28-32 of "Chapman" (#29) | ||||
E6965 | "Socialist Britain"
(article) |
Mar 1951 | pp 12-19 of "Pakistan Horizon" (v4.#1) | ||||
E6980 | "A Socialist Plan for Scotland" (article) | ||||
Spring 1932 | pp 25-30 of "The Modern Scot" (v3.#1) | ||||
May 2004 | pp 337-340 of Modernism and Nationalism:
Literature and Society in Scotland 1918-1939 (ed. Margery
Palmer McCulloch) pub. SCOTLAND, Glasgow: Association for Scottish
Literary Studies - HB & pb - 416pp Note: An extract from the original article was included in this book |
E6987 | "Socrates, Athens and Us" (article) | ||||
Nov 1944 | pp 155-160 of The Glory That is Greece
(ed. Hilda Hughes) pub. ENGLAND, London: Hutchinson & Co - HB -
200pp Book states "Published in Aid of the Greek Red Cross for relief and post-war work and under the auspices of the Greek Government Department of Information". |
E6995 | "Soil Erosion Brings New Difficulties" (article) | ||||
?? 1966 | pp ?? of "The Scotsman" - undated clipping only seen | ||||
E7010 | "Solution to Centralism and a
World Crisis of Identity" (article) -- Second of 2 pieces under general heading "Highland Way of Life" (articles E7745 - E7010 ) |
6 Apr 1970 | pp 6 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E7017 | "Some Comments on the Transitional Plan for Social and Economic Development of Botswana" (article) | ||||
Dec 1966 | pp 2-4 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#12) | ||||
Jan 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#1) - further thoughts under the title "More on the Economic Development Plan" | ||||
E7025 | "Some Comments on the Use of
Contraceptives by Intelligent Persons" (article) -- See also an academic thesis (H7350) which includes a discussion of this article and others in the same book. |
1930 | pp 188 of Sexual Reform Congress
(ed. Norman Haire ) pub. ENGLAND, London: Keegan Paul, Trench, Trubner
& Co. - HB - 670pp Note: Book reprints papers given at World League for Sexual Reform's Sexual Reform Congress held in London 8-14 Sept 1929. |
E7032 | "Song-and-Dance in Accra:
Ghanaians Put on a Show for Duchess" (article) -- The second in a series of 4 articles penned while NMM attended the independence ceremony in Ghana other articles are E3177 - E3732 - E2330) |
6 Mar 1957 | pp 13 of "The Manchester Guardian" - article datelined "Accra, March 5" | ||||
E7040 | "The Sources of History" (article) | ||||
1968 | pp 81-82 of "Botswana Notes and Records" (#1) | ||||
E7055 | "Spindrift at the Citizens' "
(article) -- An article about the writing and performance of "Spindrift" - see D0240 |
Dec 1951 | pp 42-44 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#47) | ||||
2009 | pp 321-325 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7070 | "The Split Mind of Ghana" (article) | ||||
23 Mar 1957 | pp 371 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v53.#1358) | ||||
E7085 | "Sport!" (article) | ||||
1 Sep 1945 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E7100 | "Spring in the Western Isles" (article) | ||||
Apr 1961 | pp 8-10 of "Scotland's Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E7115 | "Stalin in 1952" (article) | ||||
Spr 1989 | pp 25-26 of "Chapman" (#55-56) illustration: Photograph |
E7130 | " Stimulating Country for
Farmers: A Scot in Denmark - I " (article) -- First in a series of 3 pieces (others are E5225 - E1070) |
13 Jul 1953 | pp 6 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E7145 | "Stockholm Revisited" (article) | ||||
9 Aug1950 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E7160 | "A Story of Partition" (article) | ||||
25 Jan 1970 | pp 22-23 of "The Illustrated Weekly of India" - Illustration: Photograph of NMM | ||||
E7175 | "Strasbourg is Ineffective -
Perhaps Just as Well!" (article) -- The first of a pair of articles on the same general subject - see E1730 |
?? Aug 1950 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E7180 | "The Streets of Karachi" (article) | ||||
12 Mar 1951 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E7190 | "Subversive Activity" (article) | ||||
9 Jan 1965 | pp 5 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E7205 | "Summer Work" (article) | ||||
29 Jun 1957 | pp 834 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v53.#1372) | ||||
2009 | pp 245-247 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7220 | "Sunday Afternoon in Paris" (article) | ||||
8 May 1952 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
E7235 | "A 'Super-Family' ?: Some Russian Impressions" (article) | ||||
4 Sep 1952 | pp 6 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
8 Sep 1952 | pp ?? of "Manchester Guardian Weekly" | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E7250 | "Talking with Mrs Gandhi" (article) | ||||
Aug 1972 | pp 143 of "New Humanist" (v88.#4) | ||||
E7257 | "Tanzanian Coffee" (extract)
- extract from the interview "A Life in the Day of Naomi Mitchison" (see (L8960) |
1 Sep 1989 | online in "Tanzania in the Media" section of the Tanzanian Affairs website | ||||
E7265 | "A Taste of Indian Hemp" (article) | ||||
8 Jan 1966 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E7270 | "Teaching Techniques" (article) | ||||
Oct 1967 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v6.#10) | ||||
E7280 | "There is no Question" (article) | ||||
Jun 1937 | p20 of Authors Take Sides on the Spanish
War pub. ENGLAND, London: The Left Review - pb - 32pp 148 eminent people - including Wells, Shaw, Auden, Spender, Stapledon - answer questions on the Spanish Civil War. |
E7295 | "Think of a Number" (article) | ||||
11 Feb 1956 | pp 144 & 146 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v51.#1301) | ||||
2009 | pp 226-228 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7310 | "Thoughts about Epidemics" (article) | ||||
Dec 1959 | pp 558-561 of "Medical World" (#91) | ||||
E7325 | "Thoughts in Main Street" (article) | ||||
4 Dec 1953 | pp 4 & 8 of "Tribune" (#??) |
E7337 | "Thoughts on a Recent Crisis" (article) | ||||
Feb 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#2) | ||||
E7340 | "Thoughts on Growing Grass" (article) | ||||
11 Jun 1955 | pp 809 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v49.#1266) | ||||
2009 | pp 210-212 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7355 | "Three Hundred Held an Army" (article) | ||||
??1951 | pp 28-29 of "Everybody's Magazine" (v?.#?) | ||||
E7370 | "Threshing" (article) | ||||
17 Nov 1949 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 172-174 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7385 | "Threshing in Carradale" (article) | ||||
24 Nov 1956 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 242-244 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7400 | "The Threshing Team" (article) | ||||
21 Feb 1959 | pp 250 of "New Statesman" (v57.#1458) | ||||
2009 | pp 267-270 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7415 | "Thunder and Lightning in the Kalahari" (article) | ||||
Sep 1970 | pp 913-915 of "Geographical Magazine" (v??.#??) - includes a map of Southern Africa | ||||
E7430 | "A Time for Tiaras: Impressions in the Abbey" (article) | ||||
3 Jun 1953 | pp 10 of "The Manchester Guardian" - NMM's impressions of the Coronation | ||||
3 Jun 2002 | pp 26 of "The Guardian" - NMM's
impressions of the Coronation. Almost certainly a reprint of NMM's 1953 article. |
E7445 | "The Tinkers and Their Language" (article) | ||||
Mar 1952 | pp 181-184 of "History Today" (v2.#?) - with 3 photographs of Tinker life by David Innes | ||||
2009 | pp 369-373 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7460 | "To be a Farmer's Wife" (article) | ||||
Nov 1955 | pp 70 of "Ulster Farmer" - a
Belfast-based magazine Possibly reprinted from "Scottish Agriculture" magazine |
E7475 | "To Delphi" (article) | ||||
11 Jan 1929 | pp 31, 32 & 34 of "Time and Tide" (v10.#2) | ||||
E7483 | "To Glen Devon Over the Hill" (article) | ||||
Sep 1940 | pp 16-19 of "S.M.T. Magazine" (#26) | ||||
E7490 | "To the Future" (article) | ||||
.. Jan 1925 | pp 4 of "The Journal of The Divorce Law Reform Union" (#6) | ||||
E7498 | "Toleration" (article) -- Article has two subtitles - "How Far are We Rational and Free?" and "Catholics and Puritans" |
29 Apr 1931 | pp 2 of "The Hartlepool Mail" edition of "The Northern Daily Mail" | ||||
E7505 | "Toll For The Brave" (article) | ||||
.. Jan 1935 | pp 28-35 of "Golden Book" (v21.#121) | ||||
E7520 | "Tough Guys on Tory Benches" (article) | ||||
26 Mar 1950 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E7535 | "Towards Political Freedom: Nigeria Prepares" (article) | ||||
10 Jan 1958 | pp 27 of "The Times Educational Supplement" | ||||
E7542 | "Tractor Driving"
(extract) -- An extract from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
May 1995 | pp 159 of Hearts Undefeated: Women's
Writing of the Second World War (ed. Jenny Hartley) pub.
London: Virago, 1995 - pb - 302pp This book was republished in an omnibus edition combined with Wave Me Goodbye (ed. Anne Boston) - pub. London: Virago, 2003 - pb - 640pp |
E7550 | "Trade Winds in Bali" (article) | ||||
18 Mar 1978 | pp 5 of "The Scotsman (Weekend Section)" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E7565 | "Treasures of the Fireside" (article) | ||||
Dec 1961 | pp 40 of "Scotland's Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E7580 | "Trials and Rewards of Becoming Attested - Worthwhile Way to Clean Herds" (article) | ||||
28 Sep 1953 | pp 2 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
2009 | pp 193-196 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7595 | "Tribal Customs Threatened in Botswana" (article) | ||||
3 Nov 1966 | pp 11 of "The Scotsman" | ||||
E7610 | "Tribal Education" (article) | ||||
10 Jun 1964 | pp 8 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E7625 | "Tribal Values in Botswana" (article) | ||||
Fall 1967 | pp 261-266 of "Phylon" (v28.#3) - magazine is The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture | ||||
E7640 | "Tribal Warfare" (article on Zambian politics) | ||||
8 Apr 1983 | pp 16-17 of "New Statesman" (v105.#2716) | ||||
E7655 | "The Tribe is a Classless Society" (article) | ||||
23 May 1965 | pp 21-22 of "New Society" (#34) | ||||
E7670 | "A Tribe Looks at its Mission" (article) | ||||
Jul 1965 | pp 211 of "(New) Humanist" (v??.#??) | ||||
E7685 | "A Trip on a Cargo Boat: Diary
of a Most Unconventional Journey" (article) -- First of 4 articles about a trip on a Norwegian cargo boat from London to the Canaries (others are - E7865 - E7880 - E1655) |
17 Apr 1933 | pp 3 of "The Town Crier (Birmingham's Labour Weekly)" | ||||
E7700 | "Trotting Round Trivandrum" (article) | ||||
12 Jan 1969 | pp 59 of "The Sunday Times" Illustration: photograph of an Indian woman |
E7715 | "Troubled Europe: Austrian Aftermath" (article) | ||||
.. May 1934 | pp 19-20 of "Review of Reviews" (#85) | ||||
E7730 | "The Truby King Myth" (article) | ||||
30 Mar 1958 | pp 12 of "The Observer" | ||||
E7745 | "True or False ?"
(article) -- First of 2 pieces under general heading "Highland Way of Life" (see also E7010 ) |
4 Apr 1970 | pp 6 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E7760 | "Twelve-mile Limit" (article) | ||||
2 Aug 1958 | pp 218 of "New Statesman" (v56.#1432) | ||||
2009 | pp 336-338 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E7775 | "Two Egyptian Hospitals" (article) | ||||
Aug 1960 | pp 146-148 of "Medical World" (#93) | ||||
E7780 | "Two Moderns: Virginia Woolf and E S Eliot" (article) | ||||
15 Oct 1932 | pp 447-448 of "The Week-End Review" | ||||
E7790 | "Two Scots Secretaries!" (article) | ||||
20 Jan 1951 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E7805 | "2000 Years Ago" (article) | ||||
Sum 1969 | pp 347-351 of "Scottish Agriculture" (v48.#3) | ||||
E7820 | "Two-Way Career" (article) | ||||
12 Sep 1936 | pp 26-27 of "Passing Show" (v5.#234) - in the "Woman to Woman" column | ||||
E7835 | "Type Casting" (article) | ||||
3 Jun 1966 | pp 10 of "The Guardian" - on advances in Bechuanaland; including the Press | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E7850 | "U.K. Authoress Looks at America" (article) | ||||
20 Dec 1953 | pp 46 of "The Sun-Herald" - a Sydney newspaper | ||||
E7865 | "An Unconventional Holiday.
Mrs Mitchison's Trip on a Cargo Boat. A Letter from Agadir"
(article) -- Second of 4 articles about a trip on a Norwegian cargo boat from London to the Canaries (articles - E7685 - E7865 - E7880 - E1655) |
10 Mar 1933 | pp ?? of "The Town Crier (Birmingham's Labour Weekly)" | ||||
E7880 | "An Unconventional Holiday. A
Trip on a Cargo Boat. Pirate Seas" (article - as by Mrs G R
Mitchison) -- Third of 4 articles about a trip on a Norwegian cargo boat from London to the Canaries (articles - E7685 - E7865 - E7880 - E1655) |
17 Mar 1933 | pp ?? of "The Town Crier (Birmingham's Labour Weekly)" | ||||
E7895 | "Up-Helly-Aa" (article) | ||||
9 Feb 1957 | pp 164 & 166 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v53.#1352) | ||||
Win 1961 | pp 663-668 of "The Countryman" (v58.#4) illustration: by F S Walterson |
E7910 | "The Urge to Aid Others is World Wide" (article) | ||||
4 Jul 1968 | pp ?? of "The Scottish Daily Express" - includes a photograph of NMM | ||||
E7925 | "Us and the Giants" (article) | ||||
Yule 1973 | pp 24 of "New Shetlander" (#106) | ||||
E7933 | "Using Our Total Resources: The Role of Women" (article) | ||||
Apr 1966 | pp 2-3 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#4) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E7955 | "Vienna" (article in form of a letter dated 4 May 1934) | ||||
Aug 1934 | pp 8117-8119 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E7970 | "Village Play-Making"
(article) -- Article about the planning and production of "A Matter Between MacDonalds" - see D2700 |
Nov 1941 | pp 23-25 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#28) | ||||
2009 | pp 33-41 of Essays and Journalism 2 -
Carradale - see A0335 A reproduction of the playbill accompanies this article - NMM appears in the epilogue. |
E7985 | "A Village Praying for Rain" (article) | ||||
12 Feb 1965 | pp 10 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Photograph of NMM |
E8000 | "Visitor" (article) | ||||
7 Oct 1954 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 202-203 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8015 | "A Visit to Karachi" (article) | ||||
Oct 1951 | pp 5-7 & 40 of "Collins, The Magazine For Boys And Girls" (v4.#10) - with sketches by Stan Colemen and photographs | ||||
E8030 | "A Visit to the Samaritans" (article) | ||||
23 Apr 1956 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" - with a photo of a Samaritan High Priest | ||||
E8045 | "A Visit to the Western Isles" (article) | ||||
20 Feb 1958 | pp 34-36 of "The Reporter" (v18.#4) - a New York-based bi-weekly magazine | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E8060 | "Wager of the Lothian Road: A Whimsical Undertaking" (article) | ||||
Oct 1957 | pp 42-43 of "Scottish Field" - Illustrated by John Mackay | ||||
E8075 | "Wartime at Carradale" (article) | ||||
Oct/Nov '91 | pp 40-45 of "The Countryman" (v96.#5) - with three photographs | ||||
2009 | pp 27-30 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8090 | "Wartime Days as a Volunteer
on the Wards" (article) An extract from All Change Here (A0050) |
10 May 1975 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" illustration: Three photographs of NMM |
E8098 | "Wartime Diaries"
(extracts) -- A series of extracts from Among You Taking Notes: The Wartime Diary of Naomi Mitchison 1939-1945 (A0060) |
2011 | In We Shall Never Surrender: Wartime Diaries 1939-1945 (ed. Penelope Middelboe, Donald Fry and Christopher Grace) pub ENGLAND, London: Macmillan - HB - 378pp | ||||
NMM contributed towards the following dates in
the book sections shown- |
-- "Outbreak - Autumn 1939" - 3 Sep 1939, 26 Sep
1939, 29 Sep 1939 & 7 Oct 1939 Also included is an extract from the poem "The Alban Goes Out" - see (C0056) |
-- "Threat of Invasion - Spring 1940" - 20 May
1940, 23 May 1940, 25 May 1940 & 30 May 1940 |
-- "The Battle of Britain - Autumn 1940" - 3 Oct
1940, 10 Oct 1940, 26 Oct 1940, 7 Nov 1940 & 11 Nov 1940 |
-- "Germany Invades Russia - Summer 1941" - 22
Jun 1941, 27 Aug 1941 & 30 Aug 1941 |
-- "The World at War -Winter 1941-2" - 21 Jan
1942, 4 Mar 1942 & 5 Mar 1942 |
-- "Setbacks and Savagery - Summer 1942" - 29 May
1942, 2 Jun 1942, 8 Jul 1942, 31 Jul 1942 & 2 Aug 1942 |
-- "Hope of Victory - Winter 1942-3" - 25 Dec
1942, 10 Jan 1943 & 31 Jan 1943 |
-- "Preparations for a Cross-Channel Attack -
Autumn 1943" - 3 Sep 1943, 15 Nov 1943, 24 Nov 1943 & 5 Dec 1943 |
-- "D-Day Landings - Summer 1944" - 6 Jun 1944,
16 Jun 1944, 3 Aug 1944, 15 Aug 1944 & 31 Aug 1944 |
-- "German Surrender - Spring 1945" - 15 Apr
1945, 23 Apr 1945, 2 May 1945 & 14 May 1945 Also included is an extract from the poem "Clemency Ealasaid" - see (C0412) |
-- "Japanese Surrender - Summer 1945" - 26 Jul 1945 | |||||
E8105 | "The Way to Throw the Party
Line" (article) -- Article links to You May Well Ask (A1060) |
25 May 1979 | pp 11 of "The Guardian" in "The Hostesses" series | ||||
E8110 | "The Way We Were: Pens Down
Please" (extract) An extract from All Change Here (A0050) |
May 2012 | pp ?? of "Prospect" magazine (#194) as part of a selection from various diaries and writing on exams. | ||||
E8115 | "The Way We Were: Schooldays"
(extract) An extract from All Change Here (A0050) |
Sep 2013 | pp 88 of "Prospect" magazine (#210) as part of a selection from various diaries and writings. | ||||
E8120 | "We and They" (article) | ||||
4 Oct 1963 | pp 442 & 444 of "New Statesman" (v66.#1699) | ||||
E8125 | "We are All Ambassadors" (article) | ||||
Nov 1966 | pp 5 of "Kutlwano" (v5.#11) | ||||
E8130 | "We Want to Play: A Fundamental Right of Children and Adults" (article) | ||||
26 Feb 1936 | pp 9 of "The Motherwell Times" | ||||
E8135 | "Weather" (article) | ||||
8 Sep 1955 | pp 5 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 76-79 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8150 | "The Weather and The Crops" (article) | ||||
16 Aug 1958 | pp 190-191 of "New Statesman" (v56.#1431) | ||||
2009 | pp 260-262? of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8165 | "A Welcome Reaction - Aspects of Motherhood: Reflections from a Great-Grandmother" (article) | ||||
11 Feb 1985 | pp 10 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8180 | "The Wells of Ritual" (article) | ||||
10 Nov 1951 | pp 526 & 528 of "The New Statesman And Nation" (v42.#1079) | ||||
E8195 | "We're All Europeans Together - Reflections from Paris" (article) | ||||
8 Dec 1951 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E8210 | "We're Writing a Book" (article) | ||||
15 Sep 1936 | pp 15-17 of "New Masses" (v20.#12) - an
American Marxist magazine. Illustration: "Workers" by Elizabeth Olds |
E8225 | "Wet July" (article) | ||||
26 Jul 1954 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 200-201 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8240 | "What about the Children ?" (article) | ||||
20 Jul 1940 | pp 1 of "Forward" (v34.#29) | ||||
E8245 | "What About the Land ?" (article) | ||||
Aug 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#8) | ||||
E8255 | "What am I Doing Among the Scientists ?" (article) | ||||
22 Aug 1974 | pp 238-239 of "The Listener" (v92.#2369) - Article is based on a BBC Radio 3 programme, includes several photographs | ||||
E8270 | "What Are We Afraid of ?" (article) | ||||
Nov 1952 | pp 3 of "Scottish Journal" (#3) | ||||
E8275 | "What Are We Like ?" (article) | ||||
May 1969 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v8.#5) | ||||
E8285 | "What Community Development is
Not" (article) |
Jan 1967 | pp 4-8 of "Community Development Journal" (v2.#5) | ||||
E8300 | "What Dare I Hope" (article) | ||||
16 Jan 1932 | pp 62 of "Time and Tide" (v13.#??) | ||||
E8330 | "What Evacuation Taught Us" (article) | ||||
4 Nov 1944 | pp 2 of "Forward" (v38.#45) | ||||
E8345 | "What is the Enemy?" (article) | ||||
Jan 1975 | pp 309-311 of "New Humanist" (v??.#??) | ||||
E8360 | "What No Lady Talked About"
(article) -- Last in a series of 3 reflective pieces (articles E3305 - E2015 - E8360) |
20 Nov 1965 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8375 | "What Soviet Citizens Really
Think of 'The Russian Wives' " (co-authored article) -- Article compiled by Douglas Young with contributions from various writers including NMM. |
6 Aug 1952 | pp ?? of "Forward" newspaper | ||||
E8390 | "What to do with the Big House" (article) | ||||
Feb 1943 | pp 30-34 of "S.M.T. Magazine and Scottish Country Life" (#31) | ||||
2009 | pp 42-49 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale see A0335 | ||||
E8395 | "When Did Civilisation Start ?" (article) | ||||
Apr 1969 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v8.#4) | ||||
E8400 | "When I Put in My Hay in Scotland I Always Think of My Friends in Botswana" (article) | ||||
Jan 1969 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v8.#1) | ||||
E8405 | "When Scots Pay Tribute" (article) | ||||
16 Mar 1953 | pp ?? of "Northants Evening Telegraph"
- newspaper published in Kettering This is mostly a reprint of "Highland Funeral" - see E3605 |
E8410 | "When Should a Child be Admitted to School ?" (article) | ||||
Mar 1969 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v8.#3) | ||||
E8415 | "Where We Stand" (symposium contribution) | ||||
Jul 1934 | pp ?? of "International Literature"
(#3) - published in Moscow by the Cooperative Publishing Society of
Foreign Workers in the USSR. A large number of international writers were asked a few questions regarding the influence of the October Revolution on their work; and on Soviet literature and their own interests in problems at the time. This is NMM's contribution, published alongside many others. |
E8420 | "Whisky and Sin" (article) | ||||
31 Dec 1960 | pp 1034-1035 of "New Statesman" (v55.#1555) | ||||
E8435 | "White House and Marked Tree" (article) | ||||
27 Apr 1935 | pp 585-586 of "New Statesman And Nation" (v9.#218) | ||||
E8458 | "Who and Why ?" (article) | ||||
1974 | pp 72-73 of "Transition" (#46) - on the importance of tribes | ||||
E8465 | "Who is Your President? Asks
Botswana" (article) -- Article is about - and was written in - Botswana |
2 Apr 1979 | pp 4 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8470 | "Who Shall Answer for this Crime?" (article) | ||||
1934 | pp ?? of "The Daily Herald" - on the martyrdom of Koloman Wallisch in Austria. This item not seen by the compilers, so date uncertain - Wallisch died in 19 Feb 1934. | ||||
8 May 1934 | pp 8 of "Daily Standard" - a newspaper published in Brisbane, Queensland. This appears to be an lengthy extract (probably reprinting the whole article) from its appearance in "The Daily Herald" | ||||
16 May 1934 | pp 19 of "The Australian Worker" - a newspaper published in Sydney, NSW. The same 'extract' as above . | ||||
E8473 | entries in Who's Who
(article) -- By custom people listed in the various editions of this book are encouraged to amend their own entries to keep them up to date, including any hobbies and recreations. |
1928 onward | in 1928 NMM listed her recreations as "talking and dressing"; in 1930 just "talking"; in 1932 "change of work"; in 1935 "hitting back" and in 1937 "picking mushrooms" | ||||
E8477 | "Who Will be the Next American President ?" (article) | ||||
Jun 1968 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v7.#6) | ||||
E8480 | "Why We Fall in Love" (article) | ||||
Apr 1938 | pp 337-339 of "Lilliput" (v2.#4) | ||||
E8495 | "Why We Need More Women in Parliament" (article) | ||||
3 Jan 1986 | pp 8 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8500 | "Widen the Educational Pyramid" (article) | ||||
Nov 1965 | pp ?? of "Kutlwano" (v4.#11) | ||||
E8510 | "The Wild Woods of Maine" (article) | ||||
28 Nov 1953 | pp 3 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8525 | "Will Red Indians Camp on the Roundabout? - War Whoops in Randolph Crescent" (article) | ||||
?? | pp ?? of (possibly) "The Glasgow Herald" - undated clipping only seen | ||||
E8540 | "Windows" (article) | ||||
Sum 1986 | pp 31-34 of "Chapman" (#45) | ||||
E8555 | "Winds and Seedlings" (article) | ||||
9 Apr 1960 | pp 516-518 of "New Statesman" (v59.#1517) | ||||
2009 | pp 358-361 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8570 | "Winds of a Very Different Change" (article) | ||||
27 Dec 1988 | pp 12 of "The Scotsman" illustration: Three photographs, of which one is of NMM |
E8585 | "Windy Stornaway" (article) | ||||
20 Mar 1965 | pp 13 of "The Glasgow Herald" | ||||
E8600 | "Winter Fishing" (article) | ||||
15 Mar 1952 | pp 296 & 298 of "New Statesman And Nation" (v43.#1097) | ||||
2009 | pp 326-329 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8603 | "Wit and Wisdom" (quotations) | ||||
1982 | pp 28 & 29 of Wit and Wisdom: A Public
Affairs Miscellany - (ed. Colin Bingham ) pub. AUSTRALIA,
Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press - HB & pb - 357pp Two quotations by NMM are included in Chapter 1 - Public Life. Neither quotation has its original source acknowledged. |
E8607 | entries in Women's Who's Who
(article) Note: By custom people listed in the various editions of this book are encouraged to amend their own entries to keep them up to date, including any hobbies and recreations. |
1934-5 | NMM listed her recreations as "darning" | ||||
E8615 | "Women Talking" (article) | ||||
19 Jul1965 | pp 6 of "The Guardian" - on tribal community work in Bechuanaland | ||||
E8630 | "The Women who Found a Voice in Africa" (article) | ||||
29 Apr 1985 | pp 20 of "The Guardian" - on women
becoming teachers, MPs, bankers, etc A letter from Kathy McMullen responding to NMM's letter was printed, under the heading of "A Struggle for Independence", on p22 of "The Guardian" on 7 May 1985 |
E8645 | "Wonderful Deathless Ditties" (article) | ||||
Feb 1981 | pp 27-34 of "Foundation - The Review of
Science Fiction" (#21) #23 in an ongoing series "The Profession of Science Fiction" |
1992 | pp 34-43 of The Profession of Science Fiction - (ed. Maxim Jakuboski & Edward James) pub. ENGLAND, London: Macmillan - HB | ||||
E8653 | "Working with Wyndham Lewis" (article) | ||||
Summer 1987 | pp ?? of "The Author" (journal of The Society of Authors) | ||||
E8660 | "The Writ" (article) | ||||
1 Aug 1959 | pp 128 of "New Statesman" (v58.#1481) | ||||
E8675 | "The Writer and The Child" (article) | ||||
12 Feb 1955 | pp 203-204 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v49.#1249) | ||||
E8690 | "A Writer at Work" (article) | ||||
Aut 1963 | pp 13-14 of "The Woman Journalist" (v??.#??) | ||||
E8700 | "Writer without Papers" (article) | ||||
7 Jul 1967 | pp 8 of "The Guardian" - on the difficulties encountered by Bessie Head, a coloured South African writer. Illustrated with a picture of Bessie Head by John Goldblatt. | ||||
E8705 | "Writers in the Soviet - and in Britain" (article) | ||||
3 Apr 1948 | pp 2 of "Forward" (#42) - a newspaper | ||||
E8720 | "Writers in the U.S.S.R." (article) | ||||
6 Sep 1952 | pp 260-261 of "New Statesman And Nation" (v44.#1122) | ||||
E8735 | "Writing Historical Novels" (article) | ||||
27 Apr 1935 | pp 645-646 of "Saturday Review of Literature" (v11.#41) - include photograph of NMM | ||||
E8750 | "Writing the Historical Novel" (article) | ||||
.. Mar 1948 | pp 59-64 of "Scotland" (#13) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E8765 | "The Yacht Avrion (serialised article - part 1) - see also E8780 | ||||
Aug 1929 | pp 7063-7070 of "The Draconian" illustration: 3 photographs |
E8780 | "The Yacht Avrion" (serialised article - part 2) - see also E8765 | ||||
Jan 1930 | pp 7140-7147 of "The Draconian" illustration: 3 photographs & a map by "H.G.D. after T.A.F." |
E8795 | "The Year of The Good Hay" (article) | ||||
30 Jul 1955 | pp 130-131 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v50.#1273) | ||||
2009 | pp 213-215 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8810 | "The Year of the Late Harvest" (article) | ||||
6 Dec 1950 | pp 3 of "The Manchester Guardian" | ||||
2009 | pp 175-177 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8825 | "A Year's Work Done" (article) | ||||
22 Oct 1955 | pp 504 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v50.#1285) | ||||
2009 | pp 220-222 of Essays and Journalism 2 - Carradale - see A0335 | ||||
E8840 | "Yes or No? The Market and Referenda" (article) | ||||
Dec 1972 | pp 317 of "New Humanist" (v88.#8) - Contents page has title as just "The Market and Referenda" | ||||
E8855 | "Yesterday and Tomorrow" A Farmer Looks at the Job (article) | ||||
.. ... 19.. | pp 54-58 of "The Scots Magazine" (v??.#??) | ||||
E8862 | "Young Africans' Hunger for Education . . . and One Attempt to Satisfy It" (article) | ||||
7 May 1963 | pp 10 of "The Guardian" | ||||
E8870 | "Young Auden" (article) | ||||
Win 1967 | pp 12-15 of "Shenandoah"
(v18.#2) - This
is the magazine of the Washington and Lee Literary Review, and this
issue was a festschrift celebratiing W H Auden's sixtieth birthday. |
E8885 | "Young Chief with a Big Problem" (article) | ||||
13 May 1967 | pp ?? of "Co-operative News" | ||||
E8900 | "The Young Laird" (article) | ||||
17 Mar 1956 | pp 238 & 240 of "New Statesman and Nation" (v51.#1305) | ||||
E8915 | "Young People and History" (article) | ||||
Feb 1984 | pp 26-29 of "Scottish Review" (#33) | ||||
E8930 | "The Young Probationer" (article) | ||||
12 Jan 1935 | pp 43 of "Time and Tide" (v16.#2) | ||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
E8945 | "Zagreb" (article in the form of 2 letters dated Aug 1919 and Aug 1925) | ||||
Jan 1922 | pp 5506-5509 of "The Draconian" | ||||
E8975 | "Zimbabwe Warfare" (article) | ||||
8 Apr 1983 | pp 16 of "The New Statesman" (v105.#2716) | ||||