Naomi Mitchison in Translation
The cross-reference numbers in the left hand column refer to the original books, stories, articles and poetry.
A0040 Alexander de Grote
A translation into Dutch by H W Plecket of Alexander the Great (book A0040)
  1969 NETHERLANDS, Bussum: Fibula van Dishoeck - 112pp
A0190 Martyrernes Blod
A translation into Danish by Peter Holm of The Blood of the Martyrs (book A0190)
  1950 DENMARK, Odense: Skandinavisk Bogforlag - pb - 368pp - Kr.10.50
A0190 Martyrernes Blod
A translation into Swedish by Elsie & Häkan Tollet of The Blood of the Martyrs (book A0190)
  1949 SWEDEN, Halsingborg: Fahlcrantz & Gumælius - pb - 430pp
A0240 Kleopatras Kinder
A translation into German by Brigitte Beyer of Cleopatra's People (book A0240)
  1987 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe - HB - 327pp
  1987? GERMANY, Munster: West German Library for the Blind - talking book on CDROM , read by Anita Felke (playing time 665 mins)
A0250 Drömmarnas Land
A translation into Swedish by Harald Thorngren of Cloud Cuckoo Land (book A0250)
  1927 SWEDEN, Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand - 341pp
A0270 Jenseits Des Sieges
A translation into German by Ursula Clemen of The Conquered (book A0270)
  1952 GERMANY, Munich: Paul List Verlag - HB - 301pp
A0280 Kornkönig und Frühlingsbraut
A translation into German by Annette Charpentier of The Corn King and Spring Queen (book A0280)
  1985 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe - HB - 702pp
Other editions/printings from the same publisher in 1987 (702pp), 1998 (809pp) & 2003 (809pp)
A0280 Il Re del Grano e la Regina della Primavera
A translation into Italian by Sabina Terziana of The Corn King and Spring Queen (book A0280)
  2022 ITALY, Rome: Fazi - pb - 790pp - €20
A0350 Familien i Ditlabeng
A translation into Danish by Birte Svensson of The Family at Ditlabeng (book A0350)
  1973 DENMARK, Copenhagen: Gyldendal - ?? - 124pp
A0500 Geschichten aus Afrika
A translation into German by Annette Charpentier of Images of Africa (book A0500)
  Jun 1986 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe - pb - 171pp (cover Don Sparks/The Image Bank)
  Contents: "Vorbemerkung der Autorin" translation of "Author's foreword"
"Bilder aus Botswana" translation of "Images of Botswana" (story B0770)
"Dort, hier, damals, heute" translation of "There Here Then Now" (story B1890)
"Der Berg in der Ferne" translation of "The Hill Behind" (story B0690)
"Der Halbmensch und der Rote Vogel" translation of "The Half-Person and the Scarlet Bird" (story B0630)
"Über dem Wirbelsturm" translation of "Above the Whirlwind" (story B0010)
"Die Ankunft des Neuen Gottes" translation of "The Coming of the New God" (story B0280)
"Aus dem Dunkel in die Dunkelheit" translation of "Out of Dark into Dark" (story B1370)
"Der Finger" translation of "The Finger" (story B0430)
"Nach der Schule" translation of "Out of School" (story B1380)
"Vater und Sohn" translation of "Father and Son" (story B0420)
"Das Gesetz der Erde" translation of "The Order of Earth" (story B1350)
"Vom Umgang mit Hexen" translation of "To Deal with Witches " (story B1920)
A0510 Judy und Lakschmi: eine Mädchenfreundschaft im Neuen Indien
A translation into German by Hans Eich of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  1959 GERMANY, Munich: F Schneider - HB - 128pp - Dm5.80
Other editions/printings from the same publisher in 1961 & 1986
A0510 Judy aur Lakshmi
A translation into Hindi by Tara Bagaddev of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  1963 INDIA, New Delhi: Ministry of Information & Broadcasting - ?? - 139 pp - Rs1.50
A0510 Judiyum Lakshmiyum
A translation into Malayalam by E M J Venniyur of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  1963 INDIA, Kottayam : Sahitya Pravathaka C S - ?? - 179pp - Rs2.00
A0510 Judy aur Lakshmi
A translation into Oriya by Dr Kunjabehari Dah of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  Sep 1965 INDIA, Cuttack: Grantha Mandir - ?? - 184pp - price ??
A0510 Kadal Kadandhu Natppu
A translation into Tamil by M P Periuaswami Thooran of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  1963? INDIA, Madras: Kalaijnan Padippagam - ?? - 199pp - Rs1.65
A0510 Jūḍī - Lakshmī
A translation into Telugu by Vēmarāju Bhānumārti of Judy and Lakshmi (book A0510)
  1962 INDIA, New Delhi: National Book Trust - ?? - 161pp - Rs1.50
A0630 Memoires van enn Ruimtevrouw
A translation into Dutch by Netti van Straten of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  1981 NETHERLANDS, Bussum: Centri Press - pb - 175pp (cover by Bill Ronalds)
  1985 NETHERLANDS, Utrecht: Het Spectrum - pb - 175pp
A0630 Mémoires d'Une Femme de L'Espace
A translation into French by Stéphane Rouvre of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  1963 FRANCE,Paris: Denoël - pb - 218pp - FF6.00
A0630 Memoiren Einer Raumfahrerin
A translation into German by Rosemarie Hundertmarck of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  May 1980 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Lübbe-Taschenbuch - pb - 204pp (cover by Eric Ladd)
A0630 Diario Di Una Astronauta
A translation into Italian by Luciana Percovich of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  1988 ITALY, Milan: La Tartaruga - pb - 178pp
A0630 Memorie Di Una Astronauta
A translation into Italian by Luciana Percovich of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  Jul 1995 ITALY, Milan: A. Mondadori (Classic Urania #220) - pb - 176pp (cover by Marco Patrito)
This is prefaced by a essay (on pp 5-14) "Memorie di Viaggio" by Nicoletta Vallorani
A0630 Memorie Di Un'astronauta Donna
A translation into Italian by Luciana Percovich of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  Jun 2013 ITALY, Rome: Castelvecci (Bibliotheca dell'immagnario) - pb - 188pp
A0630 Memorias De Una Mujer Del Espacio
A translation into Spanish by David Rosembaum of Memoirs of a Spacewoman (book A0630)
  Jul 1982 SPAIN, Barcelona: Bruguera - pb - 190pp
A0780 Nyūmon Kyakki Zensho
A translation into Japanese by Kensuke Akagi of An Outline for Boys and Girls and Their Parents (book A0780)
  1943 JAPAN, Tokyo: Hakuyōsha - in 4 volumes
Direct translation of the Japanese title is Introductory Encyclopedia
A0840 De Balein van de Groene Paraplu
A translation into Dutch by A J Richel of The Rib of the Green Umbrella (book A0840)
  1965 NETHERLANDS, Hoorn: U-M West-Frieland - HB - 125pp - price ??
A0910 Lüsung Drei
A translation into German by Peter Robert of Solution Three (book A0910)
  Oct 1984 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe - pb - 188pp
A0930 Son en Maan
A translation into Afrikaans by Ria du Toit of Sun and Moon (book A0930)
  1977 SOUTH AFRICA, Kaapstad : John Malherbe - ?? - 77pp
A0960 König Artus Läßt Schön Grußen
A translation into German by Annette Charpentier of To the Chapel Perilous (book A0960)
  Jan 1987 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe - pb - 222pp (cover by Manuel Sanjulian)
Book states 1986, but not issued until Jan 1987.
A0970 Eine Reise Durch Die Zeit
A translation into German by Manfred Ohl & Hans Sartorius of Travel Light (book A0970)
  1987 GERMANY, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta (Hobbit Presse) - HB - 138pp
  1987? GERMANY, Munster: West German Library for the Blind - talking book on CDROM , read by Rosemarie Henry (playing time 235 mins)
A0970 Il viaggio di Halla
A translation into Italian by Donatella Rizzati of Travel Light (book A0970)
  2020 ITALY, Rome: Fazi - pb - 148pp - €15
X0666 Vom Umgang mit Hexen : Erzählungen und Gedichte (collection)
Translation of title is On Dealing with Witches: Stories and Poems and the book has no direct equivalent in an English Language publication.
  1986 GERMANY, Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Verlag Lübbe- pb - 355pp
  Contents: "Schloß Soria Moria" - translation of "Soria Moria Castle" (story B1750)
"Die Schneemaid" - translation of "The Snow Maiden" (story B1700)
"Die Opferhöhle" - translation of "??????"
"Hänsel und Gretel in Birmingham" - translation of "Hansel and Gretel" (story B0640)
"Aus den Memoiren einer Raumfahrerin" - translated extract from "Memoirs of a Spacewoman" (book A0630)
"Das Versprechen" - translation of "??????"
"Die kleine Meerjungfrau" - translation of "The Little Mermaiden" (story B1010)
"Naglis erste Prinzessin" - translation of "Naglis First Princess" (story B1230)
"Die Erzählung des Sohnes" - translation of "The Son's Story" (story B1740)
"Bedrohte Arten" - translation of "Endangered Species" (story B0380)
"Vom Umgang mit Hexen" - translation of "To Deal with Witches" (story B0380)
"Das gesetz der Erde" - translation of "The Order of Earth" (story B1350)

  Stories in Translation

B0010 "Über dem Wirbelsturm" (story)
A translation into German by uncredited hand of "Above the Whirlwind" (story B0010)
  1991 pp 325-331 of Botswana: vom Land der Betschuanen zum Frontstaat (ed. Gabriele Altheimer, Viet Dietrich Hopf and Bernhard Weimer) pub. GERMANY, Munster: LIT Verlag - 358pp
This book is Volume 1 in the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Freundes Botswanas African Studien series.
  Story dedication : "Für Amos Kgamnyane Pilane."
B0030 "Dopo L'Incidente" (story)
A translation into Italian by Gaetano Luigi Staffilano of "After the Accident" (story B0030)
  Dec 1999 pp 81-94 of Anno 2000 (ed .Harry Harrison) pub. ITALY, Milan: A. Mondadori - 283pp
This book is a translation of the anthology Year 2000 and is #1377 in the Urania SF series.
B0280 "Das Kommen des Neuen Gottes" (story, as by Nuomi Mitchison)
A translation into German by Hans Herrmann of "The Coming of the New God" (story B0280)
  Jul 1978 pp 68-81 of Science Fiction Story Reader 10 (Ed. Herbert W Franke) pub. GERMANY, Munich: Heyne - pb - 222pp - Dm4.80
B0430 "Der Finger" (story)
A translation into German by Hannelore Hoffmann & Abel Miser of "The Finger" (story B0430)
  1983 pp 68-81 of Kanten : Science Fiction-Erzählungen (Ed. Ursula K Le Guin & Virginia Kidd) pub. GERMANY, Munich: Heyne - pb - 313pp
This book is a translation of the anthology Edges first published in USA in 1980.
B0460 "Cinque uomini e un cigno" (story)
A translation into Italian by Valentina Poggi of "Five Men and a Swan" (story B0460)
  1995 pp 29-50 of Scozia controluce: Racconti fantastici del '900 (ed. Valentina Poggi) pub. ITALY,Rimini : Fara Editore - 174pp
B1030 "Little Sister" (story)
A translation into Setswana by Mercy Babiditswe Mphele of "Little Sister" (story B1030)
In this citation the translated titles are not known, so information is given in English.
The translation appears to have been done as part of a Secondary Education Diploma course.
  1980 pp ??-?? of Pulenyane's Secret and Other Stories (ed. Mary Kibel; illus. Polly Loxton) pub. BOTSWANA,Gaborone : University of Botswana and Swaziland - 36pp
B1100 "Maria kaj Joĉjo" (story)
A translation into Esperanto by William Auld of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  1987 pp 15-29 of "Spheres" (#5)
B1100 "Mary and Joe" (story)
A translation into German by Benno F Schnitzler of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  1973 pp ?? of Nove: Eine (ed. Harry Harrison) pub. GERMANY, Munich : Bastei-Verlag Lübbe - pb - 157pp
B1100 "Mary e Joe" (story)
A translation into Italian by Stefano Negrini of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  1985 pp 123-138 of Nove Vito (ed . Asimov, Waugh & Greenberg) pub. ITALY, Rome : Editori Riuniti (Albatros) - 284pp
This book is a translation/retitling of the anthology Caught in the Organ Draft first published in the USA in March 1983.
B1100 "Mary et Joe" (story)
A translation into French by an uncredited hand of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  Apr 1985 pp 109-122 of Invariant (ed . Asimov, Waugh & Greenberg) pub. FRANCE: Londreys - 261pp (cover Christopher Burg)
This book is a translation/retitling of the anthology Caught in the Organ Draft first published in the USA in March 1983.
B1100 "Mary y Joe" (story)
A translation into Spanish by Elisa Maria Ferreira of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  1979 pp ?? of Nova Uno (ed. Harry Harrison) pub. SPAIN, Barcelona : Edaf - pb - 303pp
B1100 "Mary y Joe" (story)
A translation into Spanish by Hernán Sabaté of "Mary and Joe" (story B1100)
  1985 pp 123-138 of Trasplante Obligatore: La Biologia en la Ciencia Ficción (ed. Asimov, Waugh & Greenberg) pub.SPAIN, ?? : Martínez Roca - 284pp - pb
This book is a translation/retitling of the anthology Caught in the Organ Draft first published in the USA in March 1983.
B1160 "Miss Omega Cuervo" (story)
A translation into Spanish by Elisa Maria Ferreira of "Miss Omega Raven" (story B1160)
  1978 pp ?? of Cuando Fuimos a ver el Fin del Monde (ed. Terry Carr) pub. SPAIN, ?? : Caralt - pb - 219pp
This is a translation by José Manuel Pomares & Maria Victoria Lentini of some or all of Best Science Fiction of the Year 2 - the literal translation of the title is When We Went to See the End of the World
B2000 "El Valle de los Arbustos" (story)
A translation into Spanish by Pablo Mañé Garzón of "Valley of the Bushes" (story B2000)
  1976 pp ?? of Andrómeda (ed. Peter Weston) - pub. SPAIN, Barcelona: A.T.E. - 307pp
This book is a translation on the anthology Andromeda 1, and was reissued by the same publisher in 1978.
B2140 "Palabas" (story)
A translation into Spanish by Monserrat Conill of "Words" (story B2140)
  1976 pp ?? of Desde las Fronteras de la Mente Feminina (ed. Jen Green & Sarah LeFanu) - pub. SPAIN, ?? : Ultramar - 320pp
This book is an translation of Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind.
B2140 "Parole" (story)
A translation into Italian by Oriana Palusci of "Words" (story B2140)
  Jun 1990 pp 191-202 of Aliene, amazzoni, astronaute (ed. Oriana Palusci) pub. ITALY, Milan: A. Mondadori - 448pp
This book is an original anthlogy of SF stories by Anglophone women.

  Poetry in Translation

C1950 "Die Schottische Renaissance in Glasgow" (poem)
A translation into German, possibly by Iain Galbraith, of "The Scottish Renaissance in Glasgow" (C1950)
  2011 pp 72-73 of Beredter Norden: Schottische Lyrik Seit 1900 (ed. Iain Galbraith) pub. Germany, Berlin: Rugerup - pb - 543pp
This book, with a title that translates as "Eloquent North", contains parallel texts in English & German.

  Articles and Book Extracts in Translation

A0700 Naomi Mitchison's Vienna Diary (extracts)
A translation into German of extracts from Naomi Mitchison's Vienna Diary (book A0700)
  Feb 2014 pp ?? of Im Kältefieber: Februargeschichten 1934 (ed. Erich Hackl and Evelyne Polt-Heinzl) - pub. GERMANY: Picus Verlag - HB - 330pp
This book is an anthology of writings about the situation in Vienna in February 1934. NMM is listed among the contributors, but it is not known which extracts were used.